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THE QUEEN held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday. She gave audience to Sir Hamilton Seymour, on his return from St. Petersburg ; and to the Honourable John Duncan Bligh, on his return from the Court of Hanover. Her Majesty held a levee on Wednesday ; again largely attended by officers of both services. Before the levee, she gave audience to Mr. Beresford Hope, who returned to her Majesty the ensigns of the grand cross of the order of the Bath of Viscount Beresford ; to Lieute- nant-Colonel George Napier, who returned the riband and badge of the Bath worn by his late uncle, General Sir Charles James Napier ; and to Mr. Edward Thornton, who delivered up the riband and badge of a Civil Knight Grand Cross of the order of the Bath worn by his father, the late Sir Edward Thornton.
At a Privy Council held on Thursday, a proclamation was ordered to be issued, warning persons against infringing certain regulations under the Foreign Enlistment Act. Lord Aberdeen, Mr. Gladstone, Lord Gran- ville, and Sir James Graham, had audiences of the Queen. Her Majesty, Prince Albert, and Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg visited the Haymarket Theatre on Tuesday, and the Lyceum Theatre on Thurs- day.
The Queen and Royal Family left Buckingham Palace yesterday morning as early as nine o'clock, and proceeded by railway to Gosport ; whence embarking on board the Fairy, her Majesty steamed through the line of ships forming the Baltic fleet, which as she passed along thundered their pealing salutes. Followed by the Black Eagle yacht, the Fairy bore its Royal burden to Osborne.
Prince Albert, accompanied by Lord Raglan, inspected on Thursday the Artillery force at Woolwich about to leave England on foreign ser- vice.
The Queen has entertained a distinguished circle of guests ; among idiom haVe been Lord Seaton, Lord Palmerston, Admiral Sir Charles Napier, Sir Colin Campbell, Colonel Cater, the Lord Chancellor and Lady Cranworth, Sir James and Lady Graham, Lord Harris, Lord Dur- ham, the Duke and Duchess of Argyll, Lord Lansdowne, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cardwell, and Mr. Frederick Peel. The latest account of the Duchess of Gloucester is that she is a little better. She has been twice visited by the Queen.