Captain Maxwell, Member for Cavan, has informed his constituents that he has been ordered to join his regiment, the Fifty-ninth, under orders for war service in the East. He trusts that his absence will not be long : in the mean time he has "paired" for the remainder of the ses- sion with an officer similarly situated.
At a meeting of the friends of Tenant Right, last week, in Drapers- town, Londonderry, Mr. Sharman Crawford publicly severed himself from all connexion with the Tenant League. The Tenant League, he said, seems an Irish emanation of the Carlton Club, and he would not identify himself with the enemies of all reform. He advised the people not to contribute to the League, but to keep their money, and to use it when wanted for purposes connected with their own country.
Through the influence of Lord Clarendon, Chancellor of the Queen's University, the President of the Belfast College has been requested to recommend some of the students, of approved aptitude for the acquisition of foreign languages, for appointments to public offices under the Govern- ment at Hongkong. They are to be sent out free of expense, and to re- ceive a salary of 2001.
Accounts reached Dublin, early in the week, that the cholera has broken out at Limerick. If this be so, the attack of the epidemic upon Leeds and Limerick must have been nearly simultaneous.
At Carrickfergus, also, there have been sixteen cases of cholera ; of which nine were fatal. The Marquis of Downshire has placed 501. at 'the disposal of the Dispensary Committee for the sufferers.