The heavier part of the Navy Estimates was passed on
Thurs- day, after debates which lasted through Monday and Thursday nights. We have explained the general drift of the discussion in another plate, but must add here that the most effective speech was Mr. Stansfeld's. He made a real point. He maintained that whenever the question was between men and ships we should build ships, and that the true object now was to build an invulnerable ocean-going gun-carriage. We had a gun, a 600-pounder, which could pierce anything, but nothing to send it to sea on. He would build small invulnerable steamers of great speed, if neces- sary to carry only one gun. The smaller the steamer the less mark she presented, and the less loss if she foundered, while if more guns were wanted in action they could be worked on separate boats more easily than in a broadside. He felt sure that two such boats carrying guns of 22i tons would be more efficient than the Warrior, and cost very much lees. The suggestion appeared to excite great attention in the House, and probably left in the minds of Tories a little regret that they had turned an inventive mind out of the Admiralty because its possessor had a Red friend or two.