It Appears From A Short Discussion In The House Of
Commons on Monday between Mr. Vansittart and Sir C. Wood, that there are now 274,713 native troops, armed police, and irregulars in India, including 2,052 native artillerymen,.......
The Empress Eugenie Seems Much Inclined To Play The Part
of the Empress Helena. She has addressed a circular to the Queens of Europe asking their aid to rebuild, apparently by subscription, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The letter......
Lord Stanley Of Alderley Has Done A Wise Thing. He
has issued an order in the Post Office allowing its officers to pass through the Bankruptcy Court for debts contracted before January without dismissal. Mr. W. Jackson availed......
Kentucky And Delaware Have Both Refused To Ratify The Con-
stitutional amendment abolishing slavery. But there is no hurry. It will do as well years hence. It need not be re-introduced, and whenever the refractory legislatures do agree......
It Is Reported That The Home Secretary Has Advised The
issue of a full pardon to Pelizzioni. After the verdict of the jury declaring that Gregorio Mogui struck the blow which caused the death of Michael Harrington there was no other......
Mr. Newdegate Moved Yesterday Week, Too Late For Our Last
im- pression, for a select committee " to inquire into the existence, character, and increase of monastic or conventual societies or establishments in Great Britain." His only......
M. Duruy, Minister Of Public Instructionin France,...
sented a report to the Emperor advocating compulsory primary in- struction. The Council condemned it, and wished to substitute a plan for more liberal instruction without......
The Letters Of The Times Correspondent From The South Have
entirely changed their tone. He- writes from Charleston on the 14th and 23rd of January, anticipates its evacuation, and speaks of South Carolina as quite disposed to make terms......
The Record Of Wednesday Had A Sensation Article, Rather...
ing in the Sahara of its recent gritty dogmatism, on the Dean of Westminster's recent paper published in Fraser's Magazine on "The Theology of the Nineteenth Century." The......
The Upper House Of The Canadian Parliament Has Accepted The
project of Federation by 45 to 15. This is satisfactory, but it is believed that the vote in the Lower House will be much less deci- sive, the French members voting as:four to......
The Heavier Part Of The Navy Estimates Was Passed On
Thurs- day, after debates which lasted through Monday and Thursday nights. We have explained the general drift of the discussion in another plate, but must add here that the......