11 MARCH 1876, Page 2

The insurgents of the Herzegovina have formally decided not to

yield to the Turks, who, they know, the moment the eyes of Europe are withdrawn will begin oppressing them all. They de- mand complete autonomy, and in proof of their resolution attacked on the 5th inst. five Turkish regiments going to provision the fort of Goransko. The Turks were seized with a panic, and fled, but were pursued for four hours, and lost 800 men, with two steel cannon, hundreds of rifles, and all their ammunition and provisions. A few more such victories, and the Herzego- vinians will be as self-reliant as the Montenegrins, and regard the Turks as Englishmen regard Asiatic soldiers,—as armed persons whose defeat is a matter of certainty. It is stated that the Servian militia have been warned for service, and the Roumanians, whatever their object, are certainly arming. Turkey, which takes no steps to pay the half-interest on the loan of 1858, has just borrowed money for the commissariat in Herze- govina at 18 per cent.