11 MARCH 1876, page 18
The Annals Of Tacitus.* An English Scholar Can Hardly...
a more arduous enter- prise than the translation of the Annals of Tacitus. The task stands quite by itself, and is encumbered with difficulties peculiarly its own. The text is,......
Miss Molly.* Tars Is A Charming Little Tale, Of A
slight kind, but without a flaw in it. We do not say that it proves genius, or even very great talent in the author. There is no great breadth of character- painting in it, for......
Mr. Gladstone On The Time And Place Of Homer.*
Mx. GLADSTONE shows, in this book, a mastery of detail and a persuasive power that are characteristic of him. Sometimes, perhaps, he transfers to his pages the habitudes of the......