A History of British India. By Sir William Wilson Hunter.
Vol. I. (Longmans and Co. 18s.)—We simply mention the appearance of the first volume of this important work, intending to give a full notice of it when it shall have further advanced. This volume gives us the early history of European relations with India, and the history of the East India Company down to the year 1623, the date when Amboyna and the Spice Archipelago fell into the hands of the Dutch. Those who tell us that the world does not progress might profitably compare Dutch rule, perhaps the most systematic exploitation of foreign possessions for home profits that ever was, with the present aims of Britain in India. Let us hope that the newest bearer of the' white man's burden" may make another step forward, and that, as Sir W. Hunter puts it, the "United States, in the government of their dependencies, will represent the political conscience of the nine- teenth century."