Sir W. Richmond In A Letter In Monday's Times Announces
that an influential Society has been formed for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of the Public Health Act of 1893 as regards black smoke. We may mention for the use of......
On Thursday Mr. Goschen Introduced The Navy Estimates. He...
to ask for a total sum of £26,594,500, whereas last year only £23,778.400 were voted. This makes an increase of nearly £3,000,000, or, to be exact, £2,816,100. The main increase......
The Opening Of The Great Central Railway Between...
London, which occurred on Thursday, is an event of some importance. It is probably the last great railway which will enter London from the North, and if Parliament is wise and......
The Most Controversial Point In The New Local Government...
for London is evidently going to be the clause reuniting the scattered fragments of the old city of Westminster into a singlel municipality. On Monday the vestrymen who will be......
At Hull On Wednesday Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Made...
can only describe as an amazing speech. "Our party," he told his audience, "is not an inert and mechanical party ; it is a party which moves and thinks, and therefore must speak......
The Second Reading Of The Service Franchise Bill Was Moved
in the Commons on Wednesday by Sir J. Blundell Maple. This Bill, which carries into effect the minority view taken by Lord Justice Rigby in the Court of Appeal in the "......
On Tuesday Mr. Lloyd George Moved A Resolution Attack- Ing
our system of primary education, and drew a lurid picture of the condition of the voluntary schools, of the tyranny of Church managers, the disabilities of Nonconformists who......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (20 were on Friday, 110i.......