11 MARCH 1916, Page 1


Readers of the "SPECTATOR" are no doubt aware that the Press is now required to practise drastic economies in the use of paper. Speaking generally, we may say that the Government impose upon WS the necessity of reducing the paper employed in the production of the "SPECTATOR" by one-third of the quantity used in 1914. In order loyally to fulfil the obligation laid upon us, we shall not only have to reduce the size Of the "SPECTATOR," but prevent over-production and waste in the copies printed. We know we can rely upon our readers to help us here. One of the chief ways in which they can do so is by informing the News- agents, Booksellers, or Railway Bookstalls front which they are accustomed to purchase their paper that they will want a copy of She "SPECTATOR" each week. That will enable the seller to know exactly how many copies to order, and 80 avoid returns and the con- sequent waste. Though the number of pages in the " SPEcrAToR" must soon be reduced, we are determined not to reduce the volume of our reading matter. We shall accomplish this partly by a slight increase in the width and length of our columns, and partly by the use of smaller type, though at the same time due regard will be had to our readers' eyesight. We believe, indeed, that these changes will hardly be noticeable. In reducing the size of our type we shall in certain cases only go back to the usage of some Jive or six years ago. 'Should our readers find any difficulty in obtaining the " SPECTATOR " as regularly and as easily 64 before, we trust they will at once write to The Manager, "THE SPECTATOR," I Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.0.