President Wilson's Boldness Has Been Very Handsomely...
for what was in effect a vote of confi- dence, and he has received it. A courageous statesman may always be sure of such a response when he appeals to his country- men to......
Unfortunately Our Space Will Not Allow Us To Quote Tho
whole of Mr. Balfour's scathing exposure of Colonel Churchill's sinister paradoxes, and no attempt to compress that exposure would be successful. We must he content to advis3......
After This Action By The Senate There Was Not Much
doubt that the House of Representatives would follow suit. This happened on Tuesday, when there were three tests by voting, and the President's policy gathered adherents during......
Another Zeppelin Raid Took Place Last Sunday Night And...
a wide area- It was a surprise to every one, as the weather was very unfavourable. During the raid there wer& several snowstorms. It may be that the Zeppelins travelled above......
For The Rest, Mr. Root Traced Three Fundamental Errors In
Mr. Wilson's foreign policy :— " First, laok of foresight to make timely provision for backing up American diplomacy by actual or assured military or naval force. Second, the......
All Doubt As To What Line The Republicans Would Take
in the coming electoral campaign in the United States seems to have been removed by Mr. Elihu Root's speech at the New York State Republican Convention on February 15th. It was......
Once More We Must Remind Our Readers That Nine Months
ago, when Lord Fisher was just as much a necessary man as he is now, Colonel Churchill was not only willing to fling him over, but in effect insisted that he must go. Now,......
An Important Debate On The Working Of The Military Service
Act took place in the House of Lords on Thursday week, when Lord Derby spoke very plainly about the number of exemptions. These, he said, were excessive beyond all reason. The......
Lord Selbome Argued That The Food Of The People Was
as important as munitions. It was inevitable that some single men should be exempted in order to work on the land. Lord Harris entirely disagreed with Lord Selborne, and as a......
Colonel Churchill's Reply To What He Somewhat...
Balfour's " sword-play " was a very poor affair. After a whining complaint that Mr. Balfour's dialectical skill had been used against "one so much younger than himself," Colonel......