Another Zeppelin raid took place last Sunday night and covered
a wide area- It was a surprise to every one, as the weather was very unfavourable. During the raid there wer& several snowstorms. It may be that the Zeppelins travelled above the snow-clouds, or there may be something in the report that a new composition has been discovered which prevents snow and moisture from clinging to the envelope. Three' Zeppelins are believed to have come. The area visited included' Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Rutlandshire, Huntingdonshire, Came bridgeshire, Norfolk, Essex, and Kent. Apparently the Zeppelint were quite at sea as to their bearings, as they dropped many' bombs in uninhabited rural districts. Altogether about ninety bombs were dropped. In one town two terraces of houses were - practically destroyed. There was no military damage of any ' sort. The casualties, which were entirely among civilians, amounted to eighteen killed and fifty-two injured,