[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] you find me space to name a development in the scheme Inaugurated by the late Lord Roberts for providing field glasses and telescopes for the Forces in the Field The generous patriotism of the Empire has put no less than twenty-five thousand at the disposal of his Fund for the period of the war. It well may be that, after this impressive figure, not many more can be expected on loan. The Ministry of Munitions, in collaboration with the Fund, has now made special arrangements to value and purchase any glasses cent for the purpose. I am instructed to receive and acknowledge them and hand them to tho Ministry. A label giving the name and address of the sender should be attached to each instrument, and in the case of instruments offered for sale the words "For Valuation and sale" should be added. The despatch of instruments so marked will be taken as indicating willingness to accept the Government valuation figure as final. Instruments not so marked will be regarded as being sent to Lady Roberts Field Glass Fund. These will be engraved with a registered number, and returned, as far as circumstances permit, at the end of the war. The following are now urgently needed either on loan or for sale at the valuation price : (1) Prismatio field glasses ; (2) good non-prismatic field glasses ; (3) telescopes—(a) large instruments on separate or attached stands, (6) portable telescopes of the deer-stalking type. Address for sending : The Manager of Lady Roberts Field Glass Fund, National Service League, 72 Victoria Street, 8.W.—I am, Sir, &e., JOHN PENOYRE, Manager.