THUNDERS and lightnings and the trumpet pealing Loud, through the smoke of Sinai aflame, Witnessed to Israel at the Law's revealing, Told of the terrors of Jehovah's name.
Yea, and to us with lightning and with thunder, Veiling in cloud the glory of Thy throne, Bowing the mountains, rending rocks asunder, Lord, Thou art come to make Thy judgments known.
Thou wouldst have made of us a chosen nation, Wentest before us in the days of old ; But we have scorned thy guidance and salvation, Moulded and made us images of gold.
Therefore from over us Thy hand is taken, Therefore Thy indignation warmth hot : Lord, we forsook Thee, and Thou host forsaken ; Lord, we forgot Thee, and Thou hast forgot.
Nay ! to our troubling though Thy face Thou hidest, Surely for chastening are our sorrows sent, Surely for healing and in love Thou chidost : Thou wilt repent Thee—shall not we repeat?
Shall we not come with contrite heart and lowly, Cast ourselves down before Thy mercy-seat, Call on Thy name, Almighty and All-holy, Pleading for pardon, fallen at Thy feet ?
Aye ! for Thy holiness from sin can quicken, Aye! for Thy might from weakness can make strong, Healer of the guilty, Stayer of the stricken, Turn Thou at last our sadness into song.
Death and the powers of darkness are around us, Sorely we need Thy succour and Thy grace ; Let not Thy wrathful countenance confound us, Show us again the brightness of Thy face, That, with a solemn gladness of thanksgiving, Even as the ransomed in the courts above, We, for Thy great redemption and forgiving, Ever may hymn Thy everlasting love.