Sin,—The Women's League of Service, which is striving to check the death-rate of infants and help the mothers by providing them with dinners at various centres in London, is compelled to appeal once more to the generous public for support. We feel it only needs to be realized that a most serious mortality amongst children of the poor is caused by malnutrition and ignorance on the part of the mothers. There are more than one hundred deaths per thousand births in this country annually, and the result is a most terrible loss of population. In view of the terrible losses caused by the war it is of supreme national importance that the greatest pos- sible number of healthy children should be born and reared. At the centres of the League nourishing dinners are provided, and expectant and nursing mothers are invited to attend for in- struction in mothercraft, hygiene, cookery, laundry, and needlework. A woman doctor attends, and advises in special cases. A trained health visitor with voluntary lady visitors follows up this instruc- tion in the homes. Last year 827 women were provided with 45,737 dinners, of which 15,317 were given free and the rest were paid for by the women. Each centre is managed by a local Committee of voluntary helpers under the Central Committee. Visitors will be welcomed on any weekday at 2 p.m. at the following centres :- 128 Pentonvillo Road, N.; Ill Bridge Road West, Battersea, S.W. • 49 Church Street, Minories, E.; 152 Kingsland Road, N.E. ; 39 ILson Street, W.; 161 Sulgrave Road, Hammersmith, W.; St. Luke's Square, Tidal Basin, E. The King and country need every one of their children. We cannot all take part in the war, but this is a work in which every one can assist. Premises have had to be extended and new ones taken. The rise in the cost of food has entailed an increase in expenditure which must be met. The Board of Education halves the expenses of each centre by its grant for educational purposes, so that the value of each donation is practically doubled. The work of the League will, we feel sure, appeal to all who realize what the present heavy drain on our best manhood must entail in the future. The office is at 31a Mortimer Street, W., where the Honorary Treasurer, Mrs. Lewis Wallace, will gratefully acknowledge any contributions that may be sent to her.—We are, Sir, &c., E. ANCASTER ; AGNES ANSTRUTHER , FLORENCE E. BAnuarr (M.D., M.D.S.) • R. J. CAMPBELL (Rev., M.A.) ; Huon B. CHAPMAN (Rev., M.A.) ; OLIVE GREVILLE ; GERALDTNE MAYO ; VIOLET STUART-WORTLEY ; BEDEW- HAM (G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E.) ; Prrrixis SYDEN/SAM ; BERNARD VAUGHAN (Rev., D.D.).