— Portrait of the Week— MR. MACMILLAN BEAT SIR OLIVER
FRANKS in the election to the Chancellorship of Oxford Univer- sity—a defeat for the Establishment, according to the victor, who sees himself, apparently, as a Disestablishmentarian, but also widely regarded as a victory for MAs emerging from the back- woods over dons crawling out of the woodwork, for men over women, and for Balliol, the Carlton, the Turf, the Beefsteak, Buck's, Pratt's and the Athenmum over Queen's, Lloyds Bank, the Re- form Club, Printing House Square and the Athena:um. Mr. Hugh Gaitskell, MA, refused to reveal how he had voted to all reporters ('I regard the ballot as secret') except Mr. Randolph Churchill ('It's not the first time I've voted against Macmillan), thus giving 'the News of the World a world scoop. In the House of Commons Mr. Harold Wilson congratulated Mr. Macmillan on the success of his slogan. Nut:attain id habuitnus tam !minim, to the surprise, delight and amuse- ment of all those members whci had not read the quip four days previously in the Spectator.
AN INDIAN MP said that China would test an atom bomb at 9 o'clock on the morning of March 28. The chairman of the Soviet Atomic Energy Administration said 'Nonsense.' Mr. Khrushchev told the Mayor of San Francisco that the Soviet Union would agree with other countries to destroy nuclear weapons, 'under proper surveillance.' Western Germany appealed to NATO for 'an integrated supply system in Europe.' and an- nounced that it is to manufacture the American Lockheed Star-fighter aircraft under licence.
TIIE UUILLEBAUD REPORT on railway pay recom- mended increases of up to 18 per cent.; the Wit and the railway unions got into a huddle; and it was announced that Budget Day would be Monday, April 4. An Administration of Justice Bill proposed to remove anomalies in the law of habeas corpus and of contempt of court. Mr. Butler wanted the public to be 'aware immediately of the danger' of drip-feed portable oil heaters. A debate on the Navy Estimates revealed that 73 per cent. of the Royal Nhvy's officers and 60 per cent. of its ratings did their sailing ashore, and that the operational fleet consisted of 147 ships. What it did not reveal was that there are 90 admirals and 408 full four-ringed captains on the ac,ive list..
111E WIND OF CHANGE blowing through Africa blew out of General de Gaulle's speech to French Army Officers in Algeria any reference to his previous Concept of a 'peace of the brave' and a cease-fire. The draft constitution for a Republic of Ghana Provided for a union of African States, and gave a good deal of power to the President. The Speaker of the Kenya Legislative Council resigned his Office to lead a campaign against the new constitu- tion and 'the present Secretary of State and Government of the United Kingdom.' The, Pope created a Negro cardinal; a South African govern- ment department instructed its officials not to shake hands with Africans; and a Texas Negro was kidnapped and had KKK carved on his stomach.
IlItOZEN FAROESE fish fillets are found here for the first time, fanks to the firm of Foroya Fiskasolo of the Faroes. The first complete edition of Casanova ever to appear is announced from Bonn : it Is to include the clean bits hitherto cut out. An attempted take-over bid by .Fisons, who make fertilisers, for BDH Ltd., who make contracep- tives, has proved abortive.