11 MARCH 2006, Page 23

A marriage under strain

BBC studio used instead will have been through many manifestations since then. Anyway, successive governments have preserved the spirit of Porridge perfectly, by rigidly maintaining the same soul-destroying, recidivist-creating penal conditions that so informed the show.

As for Doncaster Against Demolition, who wangled some celebs into signing their petition at the memorial service on Monday and whose campaign will doubtless be sequestered by a tabloid, however much one sympathises with the potential loss of their own homes it’s a bit cheeky to rally Mr Barker to the cause. For one thing, Arkwright’s shop has long been a hairdressing salon called Beautique. For another, the kindest thing anyone could do for the blessed memory of Ronnie Barker is take a demolition ball to the house and let it rest in peace.