What Sells Wins
From Peggy Hatfield Sir: How exciting and unusual to see people in the media advising sexual restraint (‘Anyone for chastity?’, 4 March)! As Piers Paul Read reminds us, our......
Falling Birth Rates Good
From Nick Reeves Sir: It’s high time that governments weaned themselves off the myth, put about by certain economists, that a large population is good and that a declining......
Ghastly British Men
From David Whitby Sir: Rod Liddle (‘Why foreigners love us’, 4 March) must realise that the accommodating nature of British girls, from the visitors’ point of view, is in......
Catch The Voters Young
From Ferdinand Mount Sir: I am not in the least surprised that apprehensive commentators like Charles Moore should recoil from the Power Commission’s proposal to lower the......
Jordanians Love Their King
From Sir Kenneth Warren Having just returned from Jordan, I am bewildered by Douglas Davis’s article on that country’s future (‘Will Jordan be the new Palestine?’, 4 March). He......
Who Owned Our Churches?
From Susan Wood Sir: Matthew Parris’s modest proposal (Another Voice, 25 February) is based on a false premise. Rome never had ‘ownership and control of the Church’s fixed......