Arrived—At Gravesend, May 7th, Duke of Buceleugh, Henning, from Bengal ; and Robert Qnavle, Bleasdale, from Bombay; and 9th, Cresar, Thompson, from Bengal. At Deal, 8th, Duke of Bedford. Bowen, from ditto; and London. Wimble, from Madras. Off Exmouth, 8th. Bolton, Oldham, from Bengal. Off Plymouth, 8th, Vesper, Brown, from ditto. Off Bantry Bay, 5th, H. C. S. Berwickshire, Thomas ; and Edinburgh, Marshall, from China. At St. Helena, March 9th, Theodosia, Todd, from Mauritius ; 14th, Mary, Dobson, from Bengal; 15th, H. C. S. Bombay, Kellaway, from London ; 18th, Emma, Milward, from Singapore ; 19th, Egeria, Whiteside, from the Cape; Feejee, Bewley, from Manilla; and Bland, Callen, from Bengal; 20th, Lord Hunger- ford, Farquharson, from Bengal ; and 21st, H. C. S. William Fairlie, Blair, from China. At the Cape, Feb. 22d, Sesostris, Yates, from London ; 24th, Test, Brown, from ditto ; and Accession. Case, from Mauritius ; 25th, William Thompson, Stewart, from ditto ; 26th, Betsy, Petrie. from London. March 3d. Courier, Chesser. from Liverpool ; 5th, Sir E. Paget, Pollock; and Lady Gordon, Harman, from Bombay. 6th, Ganges, In- gram, from London. 7th, Hero of Malown, Richmond, from Bombay. 8th, Cape Breton, Johnson, from Cork. 9th, Neptune, Cumberledge, from Madras ; and 10th, H.C.S. Lowther Castle, Harris, from China. At Mauritius, Feb. 7th, Gilbert nunro,
, from London. At Bengal, Lord Amherst, Hicks, from London ; and John Heyes, Worthington, from the Clyde. At Van Diemen's Land, Edward Lombe, Free. man; Dnekenfield, Riddle ; and John Craig, Rae, from London. At China, Jan. 11th, H.C.S. Sir David Scott, Ward, from London.
Sailed—From Gravesend, May 4th, 1I.C.S. Rose, Marquis, for China; and Sir J. Rae Reid, Haig, for Van Diemen's Land. 5th. II.C.S. Minerva. Ticehurst, for China ; and Orwell, Living, for New South Wales. 7th, Lord Strangford, Gray, for Mauritius; and 8th, Brilliant, Hopetown, for the Cape. From Liverpool, 6th, Merchant, Lombard, for Batavia; and 7th Cabotia, Cummings, for New South Wales,.