11 MAY 1833, page 10


'Messrs. Dennis Scully and George Lynch, two gentlemen of Lime- rick, were brought up for judgment in Dublin on Monday last, the former for writing, and the latter for sending,......


On Monday evening, a meeting was held at the Red Lion Inn Yard, Coventry, to consider the conduct of his Majesty's Ministers. Mr. John Robinson took the chair. Several gentlemen......

Catherine Elms, A Woman About Seventy Years Of Age, Who

resided at No. 17, Wellesley Street, Chelsea, was found murdered, in her bed- room, on Saturday last. She had not been seen since the previous Thursday night, when she went to......

A Shabby-looking Fellow Was Charged At Bow Street,...

with selling seditious publications among the crowd assembled before the hustings in Covent Garden. One of the papers was filled 'with rigmarole like the following. "Alas! poor......

In The Court Of King's Bench, On Saturday, A Rule

which had beert obtained by the Earl of Lonsdale for a criminal information against the proprietor of the Cariisle Journal, for publishing several libels against him, was made......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 6th inst., at No. 9, Lower Berkeley Street, Portman Square, the Hon. Lady IIEATHCOTE, of a daughter. On the 2d lust., the L. of Sir CFIARLES 'WITHAM, of Iligham,......