A lady and gentleman, on returning home from the theatre,
found that the youngest of their children had been strangled by its eldest brother, seven years old; who, on being interrogated as to his induce- ment to commit an act so atrocious, declared with tears and sobs that he only meant to do as he had seen Punch do the evening before upon the Boulevard.—French Papers.
The accounts from the Havanna to the 29th of March inclusive state, that up to that date the number of victims to the cholera was esti- mated at six thousand persons. Accounts had also been received of its having broken out at Matanzas. The influenza, which is by no means so prevalent as it was in the Metropolis, is rapidly spreading over the Country. According to the Liverpool papers, there were upwards of 10,000 ill with it in that town last week. In Sheffield, Portsmouth, Birmingham, Leeds, York, Halifax, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dublin, the disease is more or less prevalent. It appears to have been fatal in exceedingly few cases.