11 MAY 1833, Page 2

M. HUMANN, the French Minister of Finance, on Monday last

submitted to the Chamberof ,Deputies. a project relative to the sinking-fund. The object of the measure, which has been looked ior with a considerable.degree of interest, is to authorize, from the 1st of July next, thecdivision of the total amount of the sinking- fund, so as to be specifically appropriated to each stock, in propor- tion to the amount of such stock. Whenever the price of any stock is above par, the proceeds of that portion of the sinking-fund which is appropriated to its redemption, are to be invested in Ex- chequer bills, which are to be realized and applied to the redemp- tion of the stock when it shall have descended to par.

The Conferences of Pozzo DI BORGO and the Duc DE BROGLIE are very frequent. Mr. ROTHSCHILD has also been a party to one of them. The state of affairs in Turkey is supposed to form the subject of their discussions.

The Times correspondent states, that the Royal Family of Trance are highly displeased with the conduct of King LEOPOLD to his young wife. It seems that the marriage was delayed for some time, owing to LEOPOLD'S refusal to give up " a little private establishment of an equivocal nature." At length, however, he consented to break it up, and was married. He has since renewed the objectionable connexion, and hence the anger of Louts PHILIP and his family. The name of LEOPOLD'S favourite is not given. We fear that the morals of constitutional sovereigns are not much more correct than those of absolute ones.