WHITEHALL, 3d May 1933.—The King has been pleased to give and grant unto the Reverend HUGH KEN, of -Norton in Hales, and of Bellaport, in the county of Salop, Clerk, Master of Arts, Rector of Norton aforesaid, and Vicar of Etwall, in the county of Derby, his Royal licence and authority that he and his issue may, iu compliance with a condition expressed in the last will and testament of the Reverend Lawrence Halides Henry Cokburne, Clerk, Bachelor of Laws, late Rector of Norton and Vicar of Etwall aforesaid,deceased, and in testimony of his grateful regard for the memory of the said testator, take and henceforth use the surname of Coueuatts, in addition to, and after that of Kea, and also bear the Arms of Cokburne,