11 MAY 1844, Page 10


Ai:amen-At Gravesend, 9th May, John Brewer, Brown, from China. In the Downs, Thomas Coutts, Wade, from Bombay. In the Channel. Henry, Tanner. from China; Montezuma, Selkirk, from Sydney ;" Briton, Jeffrey; anti Ulverstone. Smith, from Mauritius. At Scilly. ad May. John M'Lellan, 51. Donald, from Bombay. At Cork, 5th, Casaiopea, Hodgson. from Mauritius. At Lieerpool, 5th, Enterprise, Ro- bertson, from Calcutta; 8th, Bucks. Hilder ; Harvest Home, Heron; and Alexander. Ramsay, from Ditto; and Aramieta, Rodger, from Bombay. At Bombay, previous to lot April Crown. Fletcher; Orleaua, Cameron ; nod Philopoutus. Bell, from Liver- pool ; Margaret Shelly, Topping, from the Clyde; ad Favourite. Scaddeu, from Newcastle. At Ceylon, 2d February, Jarget Boyd, Browu, from Liverpool; 20th, literkshire, Clarkson. from London ; and 24th March, Jane Catheriue, Hill, from Ditto. At Calcutta, 2Ist March, Junin*, Kerr; William Parker. Sewell; aud Courier, Rem,

trom Liverpool. At Singapore, Edward Boustead. from Liverpool. &mi.-From Gravesend, 3d Slay. Tory. Rune, for Bombay; 4th. Cleopatra, Early. for China; and Athenian. Mann, for Bombay. From Bristol. 5th, Tenth y, Downing ; and Naiad. Haves.. for Calcutta. From Liverpool, 4th. Albert Edward, White, for China ; and 8th, John Patchett, for Ceylon. From the Clyde, 2c1, Nelson. Putter, for


4aarviro-In the Downs, Parrock Hall, Parsons. from Manilla; Judith Allan. Hayes, from Bombay; and London, Gunton, from the Cape. Off Portsmouth, Agincourt, Nesbitt from Calcutta. Off Plymouth. Alicia, Scott, from Port Phillip ; and Cincinnati, Wilson, bum China. Off Falmouth. Napoleon, Scott, from Swan River ; James Wit- llama, from Port Phillip ; Boadicea, Withers, from Calcutta; and Rajasthan, Stewart, AoM Bombay, Off Liverpool, Malcolm, Sim, from Calcutta.