11 MAY 1844, page 8

Gortign Anb Linta.—the Fuller Accounts Brought By The...

mention na very strikin g occurrence, but are not altogether without interest, The mutiny among certain Madras and Bengal regiments occupies the first place in the general......

25be Vrobinres.

Abingdon has been visited by Mr. Thesiger ; who has successfully canvassed the electors, and is alone in the field. The nomination is fixed for today. The death of Mr. Bootle......


The State trim nag continued its precarious course in the Dublin Court of Queen's Bench, and has arrived at a new check. On Friday, Mr. )11•Donou g h closed the ar g uments for......

Be .fftettopolis.

A Special Court of Proprietors of Bank Stock was held on Tuesday, to consider important communications from Government respecting the terms for renewing the Charter.' The......