Wea-ornez, May 10, 1844.-lit Dragmn Guards-G. Briggs, Gent. to be Cornet by purchase. vice Stuart, promoted. 8th Light Drags -Cornet Lord A. S. Churchill to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Carden. who retires ; J. V. Allen, Grut, to be Cornet by purchase, vice Lord A. S. Churchill. 5th Regt. Foot-Sec.-Lieut. G. Reuuy lobe
rat-Lieut. a ithout purchase, vice Scutt. deceased; A. E. C. Forster, Gent. lobe See.- Lent, vice Reline. 7th Foot-Lieut. C. F. Wedderbtune, from the 52d Foot, to be Lieut. vice Stewart, who exchanges. 22d Eoot-Lieut. R. Blacken, from the 49th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Stopford, who exchanges. 24th Foot-Lieut. W. G. Brown to be Capt. Iv ithout purchase. vice J. A. Lutmau, who retires on fall-pay ; C. M. Drew, Gent, to be Eusign, without purchase. 25th Foot-Ensign C. D. Pogson, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Birch appointed to the 5Ist Foot; G. A.Hattman, Gent, to be Eusign by purchase, vice Pogsou. 39th Foot -J . T. W. Bacot, Gent, to be Assist.-Surg. vice iff'Gregor, appointed to the Staff. 471h Foot-Lieut. W. Armstrong to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice M Nally. who retires; Ensign G. P. Drought to be Liem, by purchase, vice Azmstroug; 0. C. D. Nangle. Gent, tube Ensign, by purchase, vice Drought. 99th Foot -.-Lieut C. P. J. Stopford, from the sl Foot, to be Lieut. vice Fllackall, who exchanges., 32d Foot-Lieut. J. H. F. Stewart, from the 7th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Wedderburne. who exchanges. 73d Foot-Lieu. Sir C. Shaw, from half-pay 90th Foot. to be Lieut. vice Bicknell, appointed Adjt. ; Ensign T. Nash to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sir Ct Shaw, who retires ; W. L. Feb. Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Nash. 81s Foot-Lieut. H. Foment to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet-Major FL Dixon, who retires on full-pay ; Ensign D. A. Murray to be Lieut. vice Farraut ; F. S. De V. Lane, Geut. lobe Ensign, vice Murray. 94th Foot-Lieut. W. Fisher, to be Capt. by purchase. sire Aldworth, who retires ; Ensign T. C. Poole to be Lieut. by purchase, wice Fisher ; G. D. D. Cleveland, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Poole.
Cape Mounted Riflemen-Ensign M. Rorke to be Quartermaster. sice D. S. Schou- feldt, mho retires upon half-pay ; Sergt.-Major J. Sall, (Ridingmaster) to be Ensign, *about purchase, vice Rorke. appointed Quartermaster. , Unattached-Lieut. L. Clare, from the Ceylon Rifle Regt. to be Capt. without 'purchase. Hospital Staff-Assist.-Surg. J. M'Gregor, from the 39th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Horniblow, appointed to the 72d Foot.