Tuesday, May 7.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Armstrong anti Curling, druggists-Cleaton and Good, Tottenham Court Road, lace; dealers-Chapman and Dean. Liverpool, ironmongers-Hill and Cu. Coventry, watch. mauufacturers-Hill and Co. North Shields, drapers; as far as regards W. and J. J. Meek, Tooley Street, mill-board-manufacturers--Smith and Co. Sheffield, merchants-J. and H. Tyler, Warwick Lane, braziers-Pearce awl Co. St. Swithitek Lane, attornies; as far as regards J. A. Bolger-Calvert and Cooper, Great Suffolk Street, builders-May aud Scutt, Liverpool, liuendrapers-Berrilt and Wootton. Bed- ford, builders-Barnett and Co. Nottingham, chicory-merchants--Thorp and
Wood Street, Cheapside. waterproof manutacturers - Fawcett and Rivoltn, Jewizt Street, attornies-Boswell and Faux, Manchester Buildings, Westminster, coal-mer- chants--Whittey and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, cotton-warp.dyers: as fat-as tegards R. Beaumont-Jonas and Sons, Leman Street, Goodman's Fields, tobaccouists; as far as regards J. Jonas-Allen and Luly, Meath, Glamorgaushire, shipbuilders.
Hederstedt, Lambeth Road-Tipper, Lady Lake's Grove, Mile End Road, traveller -Harris, Braueh Place. fluxion Old Town, attorney's clerk - Ferrer. Liverpool. victualler-Patten, Paradise Street, Lambeth, messenger-Marchaut senior. Bosley, Kent, builder-Coppers, Tunbridge Wells, schoolmaster-Parrott, Marlborough Plate, Walworth Road, out of business-Hillhouse. Bedford, hawker-Crolt, Castle Street. Soutltwark, bricklayer-Friend, Mythic, bootmaker-Nye, Alfred Place. Southwark, surgical-instrument maker-Parker, Norwich, coal-dealer-Mason, Sheffield, tailor-. Hodgson, Otley, Yorkshire, joiner-Sutcliffe, Halifax, carrier's-agent-Henry, Leeds, engraver-Small. Liverpool, pig-butcher-Daniell, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, dentist-Short, Berwick Street, St. James's, bootinaker-Suicliffe, Rochdale, carrier-, Hirton, Meare, Somersetshire. clerk-Newman, Hammersmith, builder-Lancashire, Chorlion.upou-Medlock, gardener-Dauiel, Calsash, Monmouthshire, farm bailiff-. Vinter, Spriufield, Isle of Wight- hi'Larty, Spring Street, Shadwell, lodgiughouse. keeper-Parker senior, Bath, coach-maker-M' Cormick, Carlton Street, Regent Street, tailor-Brewne. Stoke St. Mary, Somersetshire-Honell, Hentsridge Place, St. John'. Wood, tailor-Harris, Oxford, baker.
CAVE, G. and R., Banbury, drapers. TAYLOR, H.. Hasten, victualler. BANKRUPTS.
ARNOLD, JOHN junior, and HENRY. Derby, cheesefactors, to surrender May 14, June 7: solicitors, Messrs. Hicks and Co. Bartlett's Buildings; Messrs. Richardson, Burton. upon-Trout ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. BARER, THOMAS WILLIAM, WOOlNiCII, builder, May 14, June 18: solicitor, us; Brooks, Great James Street, Bedford Row; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.
Blue, Joss, St. John's Square, watch-maker, May 15, June 19: solicitor., Hods= and Gibbs, King's Road, Bedford Bow; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street. Cox,Teoues, Porchester Street, Conuaught Square, fruiterer, May 21. June 26: soli-' citors, Fennel and Kelly, Bedford Row; • official assiguee, Johnson, Basiughall Street. DAVIS. FRANCIS, Tipton, linendraper, May 22, June 52; solicitors, Messrs. Sale and! Worthington, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.
H/ND, WILLIAM, Preston, brewer, May 17. June 12: solicitors, Mr. Kirk, Symontre Inn ; Mr. Fowler, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Mauchester. HOLMES, EDWARD, King Street, Cheapside, warehouseman, May 14. June 14: solid.' tors, Messrs. Pain and Hatherley, Great Marlborough Street ; official assignee, Mr: Pennell, Basinghall Street. MEREDITH, STEPHEN, Liverpool. linendraper, May 17, June 12.: solicitors, Johnson and Co. Temple; Messrs. Wood, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Putt, Maucheater, MOORHOUSE, JOHN, Rotherham, cattle-dealer. May 17, June 11: solicitors, Mr. Tar lor, John Street, Bedford Row; Messrs. Badger and Coward, Rotherham; and Mr: Blackburn, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Young, Levitt. NAM, WILLIAM HERM% and GARDINER, WiLLIam. Exeter. drepers. May 16. June 18: ledieitors, Messrs. Sole. Aldermanbury; official assignee. Whitmore, Basingball Street. Nteucesort. Wy.Ludit Forret', Halifax. worsted spinner. May 17. June 11: solicitors, Messrs. Jaques and Edwards. Ely Place; Messrs. Stocks aud Macauley. Halifax; and Messrs. Payne and Co. Leeds ; official assignee. Mr. Freeraau, Leeds.
PEACOCK, HENRY, Stockton-upon-Teem. grocer. May 20, June 7 : solicitors. Messrs. Amory and Co. London; Messer. Clavtons and Duun, Neweastledipon-Tyne; official asoigriee, Mr. Wakley, Neweastle-upon:Tyne.
SIMMOND• senior. H., Long Acre, mourning coach proprietor. May 14. June 14 : soli- citors. Messrs. Piercy and Hawkes, Three Crown Squale; official assiguee. Mr. Pen- nell. Ilasinghall Street.
%maws. CHARLES. Sutton Street. York Road. farrier. May 14. June 14: solicitor. Mr. Jones, Parliament Street ; official assignee, Mr. Tinquand, Old Jewry Chambers. DIVIDENDS.
. May 30. Pettit, Bening, Suffolk. livery-stable-keeper-May 30, Shaw, London Wall, builder-May 31. Lumley. Cerneall Road. victualler-May 9. Smith. Tuthill Rivet, woollendraper-May 31, Hitchin. Hellfire. ironmonger-May 31, Hillary. Ewatirigg Hall. Cumberland. ironmonger-May 31, Gulping Newcastle-upon, Tyne, grocer- May 31. Sealby, Keswick. edge-toul-rnanufacturer-My :30, Beeson. Darlington, Dur-
ham. grOerr. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, unless passe be shown to the contrary. on the day of alerting.
May 30. Beckley. Green Siren. Hanover Square. coal-mei chant- May 30, Martin, Bexley Heath. victualler-May 31, Chapman. York Place, New Road. surgeon - June 4, Hodsdon, Harrow. butcher-May 31. Williams. New town, Montgumei yshire. flauuel manufacturer-May 31, Payne and Rushton. Birmingham. furriers-May 31, Benison, Leamiugton Priors, wine-merchant-May 29, Hi.eheock. Tauuton. miller. 7u be granted. unless cause be shawls to the contrary, on or ottnre May 28.
Wilenaau. Earl Shilton. Leicestershire, hosier-Cooper. Leeda, butcher -Watkinson, Lancashire, saddler-Wilson. Newcastle upoo-Tyue. linen-manufacturer- Rodham, Neweastle-upon-Tyne. grocer-Shaw, London Wall, carpenter. DECLARATI.dra Or DIVIDINDS.
Sharp and Clarke, Berners Street, upholsterers; final div. of 5$. 5d., and first div. of 20s. ou the separate estate of W. D. Clarke, any Saturday ; Mr. Green. Aldermenbuiy -Magee. Cheshunt, upholsterer; final div. of 4d. any Sourdat ; Mr. Green Alders manbury-Wheatley, Kensington Cross, livery-stable-k. eper ; first div. of 2s. lid. any Saturday; Mr. Green, Aldermanbury-Curtis. Stepney. butcher; first and final die. of Is. 10d. any Saturday; Mr. Green, Aldermanbury -Cooke, Er esham, hoiel-keeper, first die. of tr. 8d. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham-Ceek. Dudley, draper; first dry. of 4s. any Thursday ; Mr. Valpy. Birmtugharn- Perryman, Birmingham, bookseller; first div. of Is. 5d. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy. Birmingham -Johnson, Shrewsbury. leather-dealer; first di.. of Is 5d. any Thursday; Mi. Valpy. Birmiug- ham-Smith. Oakover. Staffordshire. and Smith, Liverpool. cotton-spinners; first die. 0174d.. firstrliv. of Is. 101d. on the separate ciente of D. Smith, and first dm. ef 2d. and 1-64th part of a penny on the separate estate of J. B. smith, airy Thursday; Mr. Valpv, Birmingham-Powell, Coventry, watch-manufacturer ; that die. of 9d. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy, Birmiugham - Cooper, Kiddermiusier. carpeomanufacturer ; fourth die. of Is. 7d any Thursday; Mr. Christie, Birmingliam-Fliterult and Mus- Owe. Liverpool grate-manufacturers; third div, of lid. on May S. or any subservient Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.
SeeTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. ALLAN, W., and ORME. J.. Dundee, mustcsellers, May 15, June 5. MILLER, G., Glasgow, victualler, May 13, June 3.
Friday, May 10
PART:4E146111Es DissuLtrit D.
0. F. and J. Cuthbert, St. Marlin's-le-Grand. hosiers-Soleil& and Co. Bernsley, YorkEhire, colliers; as far as regards T. A. Shepley, aud G. Pickering - nmith and Son. Little 1dowdeu, Northampton, brewers-Junes Sc Co. Bristol. snuff manufacturers Newton and Draper. Southampton Buildings, Euston Square, calonet.makers-Kear and Tuffrey, Elder Walk, Islington, seal-skiu-dre-bere-Atusworth and Hilton. Mau-
ler. silk-manufacturers-W. and H. Razell. H rshani. sa•allers-Brakell and Wil-
ms. Liverpool, paper-rulers-Smith and Lambert. Manchester. fringe manufactu- Sere-Allinson and Lindow, Bridge Foot. Cumberland, spade manufacturers-Calley and Sparer,. Totness, chemista-Deulturst and Co. lilackbnru, joiners; as far as re- gnrda R. Dealturst and J. Whittaker-Randell and Green. Stone, Staffordshire. brew- ere-Butler and Sidlt. Salford, brewers-Dodd and M Cormick, Liverpool, ship- ebaudlers--Cuyle apd Riky. Liverpool-Greg and Cu. Manchester, commission-agents -Fort. Brothers, and Co. Manchester. calico-printers; as fur as regards J. Fort, W. Fielding. and Bigg-Smith and Paley. Fulham, omnibus-proprieturs-Murry and Alger, Lower Thames Street, cement atune-merchauts-Froom aud Son. Exeter, che- mists-Strang and Webber, Trowbridge, mill-owners as far as regards J. Todhuuter -Stevenson and Co, London. and Jennings and Co. Hobart Town, merchants-Hart- ley and Smith. Fulham, omuibus-proprietors. DECLARATIONs OF INSeLvENEY UNDER THE NEW Ayr. _ Collins, Blackfriars Road. toy-dealer-Unsworth. Liverpool. butcher-Balls. Hol- loway Road, umnibus-driver-Talbot, otherwise Ewitt, Mitlhauk Street, oat of busi mess-Ball, Clapham Rise, plumber-Bevins, Regent Street. Vauxhall Bridge Road, beer-seller-Adorns, Blackman Street, out of business-Russell, Oral. Keneingtoo- Baker. Gsudhurst. Kent, out of business-Taylor St. Alban's Street, Keurdligton Road, paiuter-Foreurau, Riverhead. Kent, victualler-Harwood, Hatherleigh. Devon- shire. tailor-Walker, King's Norton, Worcestershire. out or busiuese-Williams. St. James's Place. Walworth Common- Mopsey. Baker's Row, Waltaorth. sheriff's officer -Blackhurst, Toxteth Park, Lancashire, auctioneer-Ward. Eckingtrus. Derbyshire. blacksmith-Young, Durham, auctioneer-Canner, Brighton. cabinetmaker -Spathe. Princes Street, Drury Lane, out of business-Dyer, Kingston St. Michael, Wiltshire, inukeeper-Clough, Bradford. Yorkshire, provisionideaier's assistant- Hodson. Bir- mingham, clerk-Hentig, Hamilton Place, St. Pancras, wine- merchaut -Crosson, Suuthehurch, Essex, wheelwright. HASHRUiPTCS, ANNI7L1.115.
SALVI, G. B., Duke Street, Portland Place, wine merchant. eassavers•
BANNER. FRANCIS. Upper Thames Street. provision-merchant, to surrender May 22, June 21: solicitors Messrs. liadham and Haugloon. Gray's luu ; official aseignee, Mr. Aleager, Birehin Lane. BRIINswicH, MovsE. Lime Street, merchant, May 22. June 21: solicitors. Messrs. llobinsou, Queen Street Place; official assignee, r. hitmore. Basiughall street. CLANK, SIMIEPH, Mincing Lane, colonial broker. May 21. June 21: irsheitura. Messrs. Castel tun and Co. Throgmoi ton Street; official assignee, Mr. Graham- Coleman Street.
D1XoN, JoHri, Sheffield, linendraper. May 22, July 3: sulicaurs. Mr Walker, Fur- nival'e Inn; and Mr. Blackburn. Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Freeman. Leeds.
Eccusrr, JAMES, Caxton. Cambridgeshire, innkeeper, May Z4. June 21: solicitors. Mr. Milton, Southampton Buildings; aud Metiers. Peppercorn and Wilkinson. St. Nmit'e; official e-signee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. Kemewrsa, TlIolieS, Blackman Street, budder, May 22. June 26: solicitors. Mrs Sterming, Staple Ion; and Menda. Stenniug suit Caruell, Tuubridge; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Basingliall Street. PARKER. GEuILOE, Sheffield, spade-manufacturer, May 25, June 22: solicitors. Mr. Duncan Featherstone BuLdings; Hr. Chitral, Sheffield; and Mr. Blackburn, Leeds; official assignee Mr. Hope. Leeds. RICHARD SCitie.E. Old Fish Street, wine-Illerelinnt. May 21, June 18: solici- tors, Mesons. Gilbert and Co. Phil put Lane; r fficial aseignee, Mr. Eilwartls, Old Jewry. STYLES. CHARLES. Worthing. grocer, May 21, June 26: solicitors, Messrs. Buchanan and Grainger, Basinghall Street; efficial assignee, Mr. Johusun. Bassighall Street.. WounkoFFE. SAMUEL, Chepstow, Mul1111 Itshire, ware-me:chant, May 17. June 21: Solicitors, Messrs. Heaven, Small Street; uffieial assignee, Mr. Kyuaston. Bristol.
M.ty 31, Sturtevant, Church Street. Bethisal Green, soap-manufacturer-May 31. Cheesmau and Co. Brighton, chinam. u - May 31, Braise. Edgeware Road, liumelraper =May 31. Stephens, Old Broad Street. bill-broker-May 31, A. C. and W. Marsh, Great Sc. tlaud Yard, navy-agents-May 31, Lark, Seymour Street. Emden square, bionnaker-May 23, Southgate and Robertson, Fleet Street, auctioneers May 31, ilpto. Byte, watchmaker-May 31. Williams and Wilson. Liverpool, merchants --
1day 31, G. and T. Francis. Cambridge, rn-merchauts-June 4, baiues. Bradford. Yorkshire, worsted-spiuuer-Juue 3. Nitre. ilettlington. Durham. meler-June 5. Tinsel mill. Liverpool, joiner-May 31, Gewalt., Li, erpoot. stockbroker- May 28 Sha- nty and Brown. Liverpool. millwrights - May 31, Bird, Liverpool, chemist-May 31, *own and Sous, Prescot, balauer makers.
To be granted,117F1•41 mode be shown La the contrary, on the day of meeting. " Nay 31. Clismpiou, Friday Sireet, forret - Joao, 4. Morris. Hackney, builder-June 11, Bunker, Lower Shadwell. merchant -June 8, Leeuard, Frances street, Golden square, butcher-June 1, Thorpe, Thorne. Yorkshire. seriveeer -May 31, Petrie, Bea- Buirtiou. Durham, miller-June 3, G. and J. Wilkiusou, Bishop Auckland, eurriers- May 31, Weinman, Leeds, dyer. Tube graded, unless cause be shown to the Centrrry. or Oar re May 31. Lang, Birstal, tallow-chandler-Smith. St. Dunetau's Hill, merchant.
Judd, Romsey. Hampshire mailman; first div, or is. 694 any Wednesday • Mr. Pennell. Basiughall Street - Harlem ship Orelia, master-mai inn-c; first div. of 8ds on any Wednesday; Mr. Peened &remelted Street-Martin. Shoreditch. 'grocer ; first div. of 5s. on Any Wednesday ; Mr. Peunell. Basinghall Street-Griffiths Niue Elms, coal-merchant; first div. or is. 2d. on any Weduesday ; Mr. Pennell, Bamtighiall Street -Barry. Rye. miller ; first die. of 24. 6d. on May 15. or any eubsequeut Weduesday ; Mr. Belcher, Kiug's Aline Yard-Foster and Co. Carlisle bankens ; fifth and final die. of Is. 3d. and 539-1.01.10ths parts of a penny (in addition to 12s. premonsly declared) on May 13, 14, 15, 16. 17. 21. and 22. and air May 18. or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon-Ty ne-Itumby, Mallen. Yorkshire. hatter ; first and final die. of 4s. Id. mu May 16, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Freeman, Lerds.---Hane cock, Sheffield. hackileyman ; second ami final die. of Is. 51d. en any day on and after May 13; Mr. Young. Leeds - Harfurd and Cu. Bristol, irutimasters ; div. of 133. I4d. in the irdlox ing order; frem No 1 to 11;0. on May 15; 160 to 3a0, on May 16; aao to 483, on May 17; and any subseqaeut Wednesday; Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
MATHISON. J.. Helmsdale. fish CUter. May 17. June 7.