11 MAY 1844, Page 20


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday Tuesday. Wedges

991 994 991 991 991

991 991 991 961 991

98, 981 984 99 99 1011 1011 104 1011 102 104 1041 104 1024 1021 121 121 121 121 121 - 196 196 196 195 - 287 - 283

75 Pm- 75 7 77 75

- - 94 um. - 92 REIGN FUNDS. during the Week ending Friday Evening.) - Mexir,au 5 p. Ct. 114 Ditto (Deferred) 5 - 1024 Michigan 6 -

801 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 -

- Neapolitan 5 - 93 New York (1858) 5 - - Ohio 6 - 15 Petinsylvaitia . . 5 - 88 Peruvian 6 -

614 Portuguese 5

1001 Ditto (Converted) - Russian 5 Spauish 5

121f. 50c DOM a -

40 Ditto (Passive) 93 Ditto (Deferred) - South Carolina 5 p. Ct.

- United States Bank.

- Virginia. 6 - SHARES.

during the Week ending Friday Evening.) BANKS-

- Australasian 12 British North American 13 Colonial - Luuduu and Westmioster - Loudon Joint Stock 31 National of lieland National Provincial 66 Provincial tor Ireland 13 Union of AuMralia

- Union of London 117 DOCKS-

- East and West Iudia 441 London

74 St. Katherine

54 MISCELLANEOUS- 232 Amenable Agricultural 184 British American Land lii Canada 901 General Steam 91 New 'Zealand

371 Royal Mail Steam

858 South Australian 120 Van Diemen's Laud BULLION. METALS,

Gold, Foreign i a tiara. .per oz. 31. 57s. 9d. Copper, British Crik..per ton 841. Os. to 85 6 0 01,1 Spanish,. Pillar Dollars.. 0 o 0 Iron, British Bars 510 0 -11 0 • tdeirE.m Dollars 0 4 a/ Lead, Ste ' ' 0 Pig 57 0 e se. 0 0 • Silver in Bar.. Stand.d 0 4 lit Steel. English 0 0 0 - 0 51 GRAIN, Mark Lane, May 10.

Wheat, Red New 5510 50 Fine 53 55

Old 50 .. 54


Fine 56 . urn SuperfineNes 50 0.

AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. Per Quarter (Imperial of England and Wales.

Wheat 55., 6d. Rye Sta. Sol. Barley... 112 7 Bea.... In Oats ..... MO 1 Peas ..... • 31 5


Town-made........ ...... ..per sack 455. to 50, Seconds 40 45

Eaves and Suffolk, on hoard -40

tiorhylk and Stockton 85 -- 38 BRAN per quintet IN. to Os.

POLLARD, fine Os. moos.

BREAD. 045. to lied . he 41b. Loaf. Average price of Museeeado Sugar.... 37s. Oid HOPS. POTATOES. Emil Pockets. trusts 132s. York Reds... ........... ....per t‘o 110.. to 595. Choice Dab 130 - 185 Scotch Beds 05 .- 70 Suseex P.keis 115 -Ins Demons yo - 0 Fi. Ditto 130 - 133 Rent and Essex Whites.... ..... ... A5 .... 10 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load et 36 Trusses.) CUMBERLAND. Shit rsPIEI.D. POSTMAN. WH !TECH APEL Rant:rood 711.. . 75 45.. 72e.

Interior 60 .. 65 a .... 0 New

Clover BO .. 105 80 . 105 0 .. 0 ..... 91 .. 1117

Wheat Straw IC .. 83 20 .. 30 a 0 ..... ee . ao


NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• SIIIITHPIELD.• Beef Xs. ed. to as. Od. to 3s.4d. Ss. 10d. se as ad .54e . (IC Mutton 2 II .. 3 0 .. 3 8 .. ...... 5 0 .. 3 8 .„ 4 • Veal 8 0 .. 8 8 .. 4 4 3 8 . 4 4 .. 5 0 Pork Ss .. 5 • .. 4 I 3 4 .350 .. 4 4

Leath 3 0 .. 0 9 .. II 0 ... .... 5 5 .. 4 6 ,, 6 gy

• To risk the e ffal-per8lbs. HEAD OF cATYLE AT SMITHFIELD.

Beam, Shoerp. Calves. PI..

Friday ....... ........ ...... .... 1.0 ........ 1,0511 5111 III Monday 2,313 30,099 lea ...we.. KO

3 per Cent. Consols ........ Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 34 per Ceuta Reduced New 31 per Ceuts Loug Annuities Bank S-ock, 7 per cent. India Stock, 101 Exchequer Bills, I4d. p. diem India Builds. 34 per cent


Friday, 991 991 981 1014 1024 121 195 288 76

. FO (Last Official Quotation

Alabama (Sterling) • it Cl.

Austrian 5 -

Belgian 5 -

Brazilian 5 - Buenos Ayres 6 - Cube 6 - Chiliau 6 - Columbian of 1824 6 - Danish 3 -

Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 21 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 -

French 3 - Ditto 5 Indiana (Sterling) 5 Illinois 6 - Keutocky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 -

Maryland (Sterliug) 5 - Massachusetts (Sterling) 6 _

294 80 46 1171 244 51 141


351 154 94 (Last Official Quotation B. tacos Brazilian . Ditto (St. Julio del Rey) British Iron Candeuga Cobre Copper


Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Grand Jutictilm Great Western Liverpool and Manchester. Leudon and Brighton London and Blackwell Loudon and Greenwich London and Birmitigham

Loudon and Croydon

Manchester and Leeds Midland Couuties North Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western York aunt North Midland


414 15 261 141 131 44 .

- .

1381; 112 114 itre 28t,32

Barley 23 .. 07 Malting 90 .. 31

Malt, Ordinary al . , 5B

rise 57 59 Peas, Flog..., 80 .. 31 Maple 355R85

White 02. 81 Boilers as R.

Beans, Tick• as. 3.


Harrow 83 .. 85 s. Oals,Feed . 20torl Pius.. .11..12 Poland. ...E5. 61

Fine 88..35 Potato 24 .58

Fine 63,.51


For tbe present Week.

Wheat Od Rye ..... 10s. 84 Bader 0 I Beans 10 Oats 6 5 Peas . 10 5


BUTTER-Rest Fresh, is.. ad. per doz. Carlow,ot. es. meet. es. per cat BACON, Small Old, per ctn.... Or . to Os.

CHEESE, Cheshire 44a.to 746.

Derhy Plain 46.. to MM.

HAMS, York 70s. le 745, EGGS, French... per IVO 3s. 9d .to 56.3d.

per cwt. Menages ids. to eft. ed. per cwt.