The English Stock Market has been remarkably steady. Consols fluctuated from buyers to sellers at 951 till this morning, when intelligence of the set- tlement of the Greek dispute gave an upward impulse to prices: the opening quotation was 96 for Money and'94 for Account. Scarcely any transactions of importance have occurred since the morning, and 964 §6 may be cited as the last price for Money and 96 for Account. The anticipations as to the -effect of the Savings-baidts Bill noticed in our last report have been correct: no further sales have occurred, and -we are informed that the investments have been resumed, though upon a small scale. A loan of 600,000/. for the service of Canada is in the market ; the interest 6 per cent, and the price
100; the interest secured upon the .Colonial revenues, without any guarantee of tie Imperial Government of Great Britain. The Stock has been chiefly taken in large amounts by a few capitalists, but it is not generally popular; the chances of annexation to the United States, and of consequent repudia- tion, militating against it. Money is rather more in demand : interest at the rate of 2 per cent has been obtained in some cases upon loans for short periods and first-class discounts. The transactions in Foreign Funds have been unimportant. The ,Scrip and Stock of the Russian and Danish Loans are becoming gradually absorbed by investments, though no material improvement in the prime has occurred. Russian Four-and-a-half per Cent Stock lass risen to 951, and the Scrip 2/ premium. Danish Scrip reached 61 premium. The Mexican and most of the South American Stocks are without any material variation, or matter for remark. Spanish Steck also has undergone little fluctuation.
The Railway Share Market has been steady, with but little business; the quotations of today being within a shade of those of last-week. The greatest improvement has occurred in Great Western, while some of the Shares of minor character have advanced in a trifling degree.
There is no material change in prima or business of importance occurring either in the English or Foreign Funds, the quotations of which are nearly the same as yesterday. Consols aro steady at the opening price, 951 96 for Money and 961 for Account. The Railway. Share Market is without va- riation, and the transactions of the morning have been too unimportant to require any notice. 1Dereanav Two o'epace.
The English Stock Market closes at the morning's quotations, without the occurrence of any business of importance. In the Foreign Market the trans- actions have been on is very limited scale. Danish Scrip has been done at 7 premium, the Scrip of the Russian Fournand-a-half per Cent loan at and the Bonds paid up in full at 9518,1.3 The following are the other prin- ell, 1 bargains recorded—Mexican, 1; Peruvian, 701 ; Ditto Deferred, ; Portuguese Four per Cents, • Spanish Three per Cent 37 37/ ; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 56 51; 'Ditto Four per Cents, 851 1. b. John del Rey Mining Company, 14 The Railway Share Market is rather firmer. Some of the principal va- rieties are quoted at rather higher prices than -yesterday ; the elasticity of the market is not,. however, very great. The following are the principal bargains recorded-"Birmingham and Oxford Junction, without a guarantee, 241; Caledonian, 71; Ditto Preferenoe, 51; Eastern Counties, 71 7 ; Ditto Northern and _Eastern, .57 ; Great Northern, 6-k ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 30 ; Great Western, 531 4; Ditto New 171., 61; Hull and Selby, 94; Ditto Ilalesluires, -461 ; Lancashire and Yorkahhe Fifths, 1 die ; London and Blackwell, 4 31; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 88 ; Ditto Guaranteed &per Cents, late 'Croydon Thirds, 10/ ; London an North-western, 1021; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 1011 1 ; Ditto Fifths, 111 ; Midland, 33 ; Ditto 501. Shares, 2 North Britieh, 7 ; North Staffordshire, 71 ; South-eastern and Dover, 13(; York, Newmak, and Ber- 121 13 ; York and Northltidland, 161 ; Ditto Preference, fijr 7 ; North- ern of Frame, 121. Ditto forAccount.. 70 2 3 per Cent Consols......--.. 65,1 Danich3 per Cents
3 per Cent Reduced 5I per Cents 94' 5 Ditto 4 per Cents 661 7 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 28 9
55 61
96 Dutch 21 per Cents
Long Annuities. 81 3-16 Peruvian 6 per flute... 69 ;191
Bank Stock — ........., 2051 .61 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1642. 33 34 Exchequer Bills 68 71 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 34 6
India Stock 266 268 Russian 5 per Cents 106
Brazilian 5 per Cents 86 8 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 174 ,Be 44 per Coats 86 8 Ditto 3 per Centirlalk2
6 per Cents 95 97 • Venezuela 33 4 Danish .5 per Cents 951 61