11 MAY 1850, page 12

The Other Two "foreign Theatres" Are Filled Three Times A

week ; the younger house relying chiefly on the power of its orchestral and choral masses, worked to perfection in two or three favourite pieces ; the senior trusting more to......

At The Philharmonic Concert On Monday, The Instrumental...

Beethoven's Eighth Symphony, Haydn's Eighty-first Quartett, Mozart's Pianoforte Concerto in C minor, played by Mr. Lindsay Sloper, and an Overture by Mr. Griesbach. Vr. H.......

The Well-known Piece Les Demoiselles De St. Cyr Has Been

revived at the St. James's, and M. Wont has reappeared in his original character.......

At The Dosing Of Drury Lane On Saturday Night, Mr.

Anderson made an affecting valedictory speech on his want of encouragement. One of his topics of complaint was the coolness of the press. Indeed, the com- ments of newspaper......

The Inconveniences To Which A Young Gentleman Subjects...

pretending to be married in order to win a wager, are very comically set forth in a flirce called .Not to be Done, produced at the New Strand Theatre. The pretended wife is an......

Nnar, Sr - It-supporting Emigration.

London, May 1850. Sin—I observe a proposal from a correspondent, in your paper of the 27th April, for an association for advancing loans to emigrants to the colonies, per- haps,......

A Long Story About A Number Of Yeomanry Dressed In

uniform, a num- ber of hussar officers likewise dressed in uniform, and a number of ladies, the wives of the former, dressed in half uniform—that is to say uniform down to the......

A Posthumous Quartett Of Mendelssohn Was Performed At The...

Union on Tuesday, for the first time in this country ; the first violin being taken by Ernst. We merely record the fact, without giving an opinion of the composition. It is very......

Goatrts Gulf Zitsit.

A contrast of any chef-d'amwe by Scribe with any modern English comedy—we may almost say, excepting some half-dozen productions, with any English comedy whatever—will show that......

Tettro To Ter Calor.

Hitchen, 8th May 1850. Sin—So the result of the anxious deliberations of the Right Reverend Bench of Bishops with regard to the questions which at present agitate the Church is,......