ilforidrzy, May 13. Australian C01070 S Government BM; Third reading. Amend- ments.
• Stamp-duties Acts.; Committee to he mewed.
And twenty-seven other Bills. .Tzlesday, May 14. Irish ,Poor-law ; to all attention to the present working—Lord Naas.
Corn: That this House will resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, totalteinto consideration the 'acts relating to•the importation of foreign corn . —Mr. Grantley Berkeley. (Suhstitatod fur theeight.ohilling duty notice.) Ionian Islands: Commission to inquire into the kte.RioterMr. Hume. _8',ednesd,ay, May 1.5. Highways (South Wales) Bill; Committee.
Cepyliolds Enfranchisements Bill; Second reading.
And three other Ellis.
Thffraclue, Stay 16. Life Policies of Assurance '(2,7(3. 2) 'BM; Committee.
Public Libraries and Museums Bill; Committee.
• Marriages Bill; Adjourned debate on going into Committee. And three other Bills.
:Friday, May i7. Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland : Rill to provide for the abolition of tbe.o&ce of Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, and for the appointment of a Fourth Secretary of State—Lord John Russell. Amendment, that the above Motion be rejected—Mr. Grattan.
To adjourn till Thursday the 23d May, for the Whitsuntide' Recess—Lord John RusselL