Tuesday, May 7.
PARTNERSHIPS DissotvEu.-Barker and Till, Burslem, earthenware-manufacturers - Mercer and Parton, Maidstone, millers-Hedges and Keymer, Cirencester, linen- drapers-Girdwood and Henderson, Orchard Pottery, Corhridge, Northumberland, earthenware-manufacturers-Greares and Co. Ratcliffe-upon-Trent, railway-con- tractors; as far as regards J. Adams-Sharples and Wallace, Liverpool, painters- Chamberlain and Co. Worcester, porcelain-manufacturers-Appleby and Co. Ecking- ton, Derbyshire, ironMasters ; as far as rewards W. Walker-H. and J. Whitford, Providence Place, Kentish Town, linendrapers-Taylor and Savage, Liverpool, coal- merchants-Robinson and Lynes, Coventry, riband-manufacturers-Beal and Dexter, Regent Street, auctioneers-J. A. and D. Knight, High Street, Clapham, drapers- Jones and Williams, Llangerniew, Denbighshire, quarry-proprietors-Stott and Haden, Huddersfield, woollen-merchants-Floyd and3Lawrence, Crosby Row, South- wark, oilmen-W. and W. E. Creasy, Edenbridge, surgeons-Duke and Mansell, Littlehampton, butchers ; as far as regards W. Duke-Parry and Co. Liverpool, en- gravers-Pearson and Winks, Sheffield, razor-manufacturers-Swift and Hazel, Mil- bank Street, firewood-cutters-Burrow and Waller Jun. Halifax, silk-dressers- Lower and Co. Manor Street, Chelsea, iron-founders-Dickson and Brakspear, Man- chester, architects-Waimsley and Co. Waterloo Place, wine-merchants-Clapperton and Co. Galashiels, woollen-manufacturers-M'Queen and M'Aulay, Shawfield Bank, Rutherglen, calico-printers. BAanutorronrs ANNIILLRM-Daniel Evans, Merthyr Tydfil, carpenter-Arthur Wil- liams, Narbeth, Pembrokeshire, draper.
BAsurimers.-JOHN BoRGEss Noam, Colchester, tailor, to surrender May 15, June 21 : solicitors, Sole and Turner, Aldermanbury; official assignee, Stansfeld-GEoRGE WOLLAND TIMMER, Tottenham Court Road, furrier, May 20, June 20: solicitors, Sole and Turner, Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street- SAmerx. MeAraint, Walsall, butcher, May 18, June 17: solicitor, Slaney, Birmingham; official assignee, Valpy, Birmingham-GASRELL JOIMSON, Liverpool, coal-mer- chant, May 21, June 11 : solicitor, Dodge, Liverpool; official assignee. Morgan, Liverpool-FREDEarcx DoarAir, Liverpool, merchatit, May 21, June 11: solicitors, Harvey and Co. Liverpool ; official asawnee, Cazentwe, Liverpool-THOMAS Smarm, BROWNE, Manchester, patent-agent, May 17, June 7: solicitors, Cunliffes and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Hobson, Manchester.
Drvrnmans.-May 30, Ward, Upper Ground Street, Christchurch, ironmonger- May 30, Yorke, Cambridge, upholsterer-May 80, Yates, Guernsey, shipowner-May 30, Blaney, Wellington Place, Hackney, cabinet-maker-June 3, Hebbelthwaite and Hirst, Halifax, dyers-May 28, Walton, Leeds, tailor-May 28, Jackson, Lackenby, Yorkshire, builder-May 28, Shaw, Leeds, iron-founder.
CERTIPMAITS.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of oneeding.-May 28, Pyrn, Broad Street, merchant-May 29, Burghes, Cheapside, bookseller-May 29, Sydenham, Poole, printer-May 30, Lloyd, New Oxford Street, hosier-May 30, Purssell, Mile-end New Town, butcher-May 31, Fielding, Rhyl, Flintshire, hotelkeeper-May 31, Levi and Co. Liverpool, stationers-May 29, Smytheman, Rugeley, builder-May 29, Swainson and Birchwood, Manchester, manufacturers.
ScoTon SmanEsTRATroxs.-M•Kerrow, Sorn, Ayrshire, farmer, May 11, June 8- Grant, Forres, Elgin, writer, May 14, June 4.
Friday, May 10.
PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvEo.-Cordingley and Son, Wakefield, iron-founders-Blott Xnd Co. Stamford, drapers ; as far as regards T. W. Blott=Randall .and Farrar, Manchester, calico-printers-Green and Co. Leeds, printers-Taylor and Rednall, Stowmarket, sack-manufacturers-Cotton and Co. Slaithwaite, Yorkshire, card- makers-Sutton and Dunn, Birmingham, attornies-Ason and Co. Manchester, joiners ; as far as regards R. Urie-R. and J. Hewetson, Corn Exchange, corn-fac- tors-Stuhlmann and Hayes, Manchester, commission-agents-Hindes and Co. Nor- wich, manufacturers-Walker and Co. Tunstall, glass-stainers-Hodgson and Powis, Change Alley-Beare and Buckland, Newton Abbot, agricultural-machine-makers- W. J. and E. R. Seller, Chester, brewers-G. and C. Copus, Henrietta Street, furni- ture-dealers-White and Co. Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil, merchants-Gray and Jame- son, Perth, writers-M'Andrew and Co. Glasgow, coal-masters; as far as regards Tennant and Co.
BAsErturTer Airircruam.-EvAE REES, Dudley, hatter. BAAntRuers.-RICHARD DART and JOSEPH Baowx, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, coach-lace-manufacturers, to surrender May17, June 22 : solicitors, May and Sweet- land, Queen Square, Bloombury ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Dwelt]) PARRATT, Park Village West, Regent's Park, advertising-agent, May 22, June 21: solicitor, Cunningham, Buckingham Street, Strand ; official assignee, Stens- feld, Basinghall Street-.Toura Titomas Hou.asn, Coventry, builder, May 23, June 20: solicitors, Dewes and Son, Coventry; Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-WILLIAM HAYRomar, Liverpool, coach-proprieter, May 22, June 20 : solicitor, Dewhurst, Liverpool ; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool - MARGARET Mum, Manchester, grocer, May 31, June 14 : solicitor, Makinson, Manchester; official assignee, Hobson, Manchester-Betwixt' RoTLE, Manchester, check-manufacturer, May 28, June 12: solicitor, Andrew, Manchester; • official as. signee, Fraser, Manchester-RmaARD Wrisoar, Hull, stone-mason, May 29, June 19: solicitor, Stamp, Hull; official assignee, Carrick, HulL Drvinmans.-Eade, Byworth, Sussex, tanner-May 31, Mills, Mark Lane, wine- merchant-May 81, A4terton, Battlesden, Suffolk, maltster-May 31, Fraser, Brighton, draper-May 31, Pulbrook, Cambridge Place, Hackney Road, grocer-May 31, Vines, Crotched Friars, corn-factor-June 3, Baker, Prospect Row, Bermondsey, builder- June 1, Blackman, Cranbrook, grocer-June 1, Cave, Widmer, Kent, merchant- June 1, Wheeler, Buckingham, cabinet-maker--May 31, Starkey, Old Street, car- penter-May 31, Stevens, Clement's Inn, builder-June 1, Seater, Newmarket, scri- vener-June 1, Burgon, Bucklersbury, hardwareman-June 5, Wyse and Co. Newton Abbot, bankers-June 12, Paynter, Penzance, attorney-June 5, Hardcastle. Man- chester, tavern-keeper-May 30, Shardlow and Bradshaw, Stone, Staffordshire, shoe- manufacturers-May 31, Cawood, Leeds, iron-founder-May 31, Don, Swinton Iron- works, West Riding of Yorkshire-May 31, Randal, Halifax, innkeeper-June 1, Hallifax, Doncaster, limeburner-June 1, Clarke, Sheffield, builder-May 31, Gar- rison, Helperby, Yorkshire, grocer-June 1, Seaton, Frickley-cum-Clayton, York- Shire, farmer-June 1, Smith, Doncaster, British-wine-manufacturer-May 31, D. and J. Haigh, Huddersfield, cloth-manufacturers. C'EamereATEs.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to tkawdrary, on the day of meeting.-May 31, Balcombe, Cannon Street, share-broker--May 31, Gardener, Ray- leigh, Essex, grocer-May 31, Christie, Vauxhall Walk, Lambeth, timber-merchant -June 3, Brown, Wood Street, Bethnal Green, elastic-hat-band-manufacturer- June I, Green, Brighton, ironmonger-June 1, Harbridge, Islip, Oxfordshire, miller -June 1, Mould, Woolwich, victualler-June 6, Angus, Berwick-upon-Tweed, eass-dealer-June 10, Croome, Bristol, engineer-June 12, Bowyer, Boreham, Wiltshire, miller-June 5, Hunt, Bath, victualler.
-Dm-r_•_:nous or DrunERns.-Jopp; div. of 3s. any Thursday; Pennell, Guild- hall Chambers-Pottinger. Banbury, tailor; div. of 50. (on account of first div. of 198.104d.), any. Wednesday, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Hunter, King William Street, merchant; first div. of 4a. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Garland, North Shields, tailor; first div. of Is. 3id. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Briggs, Leicester, innkeeper; first div. of 75. 6d. May 11, or any subsequent alternate Satur- day until Dec. 21; Bittleston, Nottinh::-'Thompson, Derby, woollendraper ; first div. of 5s. 6d. and a second div. of 4 . May 11, or any subsequent alternate Satur- day until Dec. 21; Bittleston, Notting -Eminson, Grantham, scrivener; first div. of Is. May 11, or any subsequent alternate Saturday until Dec. 21; Bittleston, Not- tingham-Strong, Birmingham, screw-manufacturer; first div. of 20a. (on separate estate), any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham--Cook, Worcester, upholsterer; first div. of 9a. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham-Mongredien, Liverpool, merchant ; first div. of 2s. any Thursday ; Cazenove, Liverpool-Green, Liverpool, ironmonger • first div. of 4s. any Thursday ; Cazenove, Liverpool-Parr, Liverpool, painter; third' div. of Zed. and first and second div. of Is. 8d. (on new proofs), any Thursday; Care-
hove, LiverpoolGreen, Liverpool, wine-merchant; second div. of lid. and first dim. of Is. 6d. (on new proofs), any Thursday; Cazenove, Liverpool.
Semen SECILTESTRATIONS.-Fergusson and Co. Edinburgh, curriers, May 16, June 6-Summers and Son, Hamilton, builders, May 18, June 8-Nimmo, Edinburgh, printer, May 15, June 5-J. and D. Connal, Blackford, Perthshire, manufacturers, May 15, June 5-M'Kechnie, Glasgow, mercantile agent, May 15, June 5-Russell, Tearie, near Forres, coach-contracter, May 15, June 12-Lyell, Dundee, merchant, May 15, June 5.