MAGAZINES AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS.—We have received the following for May
:—The Art Journal.—The Magazine of As-f.- The English Illustrated Magazine.—The Scottish Art Review.—The Westminster Review.—The Forum.—The Anglican Church Magazine. —The Homiletic Magazine.—The Homi/ist.—The Expositor.—The Month.—The Dublin Review.—The Irish Month/y.—The Archceo- logical Review. —The Naval and Military Magazine.—Temple Bar.- Belgravia.—London Society.—Scribner's Magazine.—The Century.— The Scots Magazine.—The North American Review.—The Indian Magazine.—Lippincott's Magazine.—The Atlantic Monthly.—North- Country Lore and Legend—The Folk-Lore Journal.—Tinsley's Journal. —The Hospital.—The Woman's World.—The Argosy.—Lucifer.- Good Words.—Chambers's Journal.—Casselt's Magazine.—The Quiver. —The Leisure Hour.—The Sunday at Home.—The Sunday Magazine. —The Sword and Trowel.—Church Bells.—A 1.—St. Nicholas.—The Girl's Own Paper.—Halper's Young People.