11 MAY 1889, page 26
The Physician As Naturalist. By W. T. Gairdner, M.d., Ll.d.
(Maclehose, Glasgow.)—This selection of addresses and essays from those delivered or published during the last thirty years by the Professor of Medicine in the University of......
The Phantom Future. By H. S. Merriman. (bentley And Son.)
—Some persons think it wrong to be keenly interested in fictitious characters, and to let sympathy and emotion be wasted on mere creations of the imagination ; and to these......
Sermons For Children, Including "the Beatitudes" And "the...
By A. P. Stanley, D.D., late Dean of West- minster (John Murray.)—This small book is one for the house- hold, old and young, to love. It contains nine sermons preached to......