ITO TRY EDITOR OF TRH "Srecnioa."] Sin,—What are the "exceptional and invulnerable preroga- tives" which your correspondent in this week's issue says the Welsh people beg shall be no longer permitted P The only cases I can think of are : (1) The right to crown the King; (2) representation in the House of Lords ; (3) eligibility for a D.D. degree. Does the Bill have any effect on Nos. 1 and 3, and would it not he a greater gain to Nonconformity to use the Church's right to No. 2 to get a similar right for itself P We hear so much of "equity " and " religious equality " here in Wales. The Bill gives us a fine example of it in the pro- posal to enact that the Church is to be the only denomination .which is not to be allowed to have its English connexion I—I am, Sir, &o., Ono VIVIAN. Glanrafon, Sketty, .1LS.O., Glamorgan.