11 MAY 1912, page 13

['re Trh Editor Of Thu Fterseraws....] A,—your...

E. Harlow, in last week's issue, says that " while much impressed by your plea for a State Church . . . I find it difficult to resist the Welsh case for Disestablishment .........

Mr. Lloyd George And Nonconformist Tithe-payers.

[To TUX EDITOR OF TIIR "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin,—Mr. Lloyd George in his speech in the House of Commons on the Welsh Church refers to this parish.(10 parish iu which he was brought......

Letters To The Editor.

WELSH DISESTABLISHMENT. ITO TRY EDITOR OF TRH "Srecnioa."] Sin,—What are the "exceptional and invulnerable preroga- tives" which your correspondent in this week's issue says the......

The "religious " (?) Motive Of The Attack On The

CHURCH IN WALES. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "BPROTATOR. "1 SIE,—The following extract from the British Weekly of October 19th, 1911, fully corroborates your remarks in your article......


A NEW METHOD OF OBTAINING NEW-LAID EGGS. [TO THE EDITOR or Tax "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — About a year ago, on a large farm of 600 acres situated near Birmingham, I saw for the first......