11 MAY 1912, Page 18



Sin,—It is proposed to erect a memorial at Delhi to the late rtleneral.Sir Alexander Taylor, G.C.B., R.E. I enclose a copy eof a circular that is ,being issued to all the surviving officers 'who served with General Taylor at Delhi, to all the officers of use Royal Engineers, and to civil engineers from Coopers Hill. But there may be, and probably are, many others who 'would wish to join in a tribute of honour to one who bore so .important a part in the taking of Delhi; and I write to ask you if you will kindly insert a short notice in your valuable paper, so that all may know that a memorial is being raised, ,,and that subscriptions will he thankfully received by the .,honorary secretary, at the address given below, and acknow- aledged by hian. I am, Sir, &c,, ROBERTS. 72 Victoria Street, London, .S. W.

It is proposed to raise a memorial at •Delhi to the late General ,Sir Alexander Taylor, (ICJ ., RE., who, through a long and :strenuous life, served his country both in times of war and of peace. The nature of the memorial will be decided after the wishes of the widow and family have been filially ascertained. Meanwhile a committee is being ,formed to carry out all prelimi- nary details, with Field-Marshal Earl Roberts as Chairman and General Sir Frederick Maunsoll, R.E., "Pico-Chairman.

Old comrades and friends desirous of joining in this 'tribute to the memory of the man of whom.General John Nicholson, when lying mortally wounded, said, "If I live through this the world ,,ahall know that Aleck Taylor took Delhi," are invited to coin- anunicate with the. Honorary Secretary, Colonel Finnic, C.S.I. (late RE.), 72 Victoria Street, London, S.W., by whom and by Messrs. Cos and Co., Charing Cross, London, subscriptions will be
