[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—We desire to commend earnestly to the notice of your- readers, and in particular of the members of any school or college which has not yet started a settlement or mission in London, and is disposed to do so, a, district which offers splendid scope for such, an undertaking. The population of Walthamstow exceeds 130,000 '
parsons, and no work of the kind undertaken elsewhere by any University Settlement or public school mission has as yet been attempted in this very thickly populated suburb of tiro Metropolis.
The London Playing Fields Society has recently acquired the Elms Playing Field, a fine open space of over thirty acres in extent, and with it an old manor house, part of which is used for refreshments and dressing rooms for the players on the field, a large number of whom are working mon and lads resident in East London. Attached to the house is a spacious hall which has been erected through the munificence of the Goldsmiths' Company. Several rooms in the house have been fitted up so as to provide residential quarters for men who may wish to occupy their spare time in useful work among the industrial community in the neighbourhood. A large portion of the ground floor is used as a. club for working men which has recently boon started, on tempos6. mice principles and on a non-political and unsecturian basis, by the Society's Hon. Secretary at Walthamstow. The work already undertaken at the Elms would ho secured: and perpetuated, and much besides could be set on foot for the benefit of the neighbourhood (e.g., a boys' club) if a few residents .
would reside there. The situation of the Holum near St. James's Street Station renders it most suitable for mon who are engaged in business in or near the City. The train service is good, and the, cost of living at the Elms is most moderate, ranging from 26s. to 36s. weekly. Any further information will be willingly given by the Secre- tary, London Playing Fields Society, 49-50, Parliament Street,. S.W.—We are, Sir, Sm., E. CYIANDOS LEIGH. JOHN &mow.
49 Parliament Street, S.W.