[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—While it is interesting to hear that you have the authority of a Royal Commission for stating that £184 million left Great Britain by the first eight Sweeps, I venture to suggest that impartial readers would have found the solution of the simple sum in arithmetic mentioned in my letter still more interesting I It is also rather significant that the Royal Commission's report apparently overlooked the little problem !
I should like, therefore, to point out that from ,the eight Sweeps in question, approximately £10 million returned to Great Britain as prize-money and that the Hospitals benefited at the same time by nearly £5 million, of which a considerable proportion will be spent in Great Britain.
These figures can be confirmed by reference to the official statistics of the Sweeps. So much for the sweeping propa- ganda of a Royal Commission !—I am, Sir, &c.,