This Full Statement Of Accounts Follows Upon A Year When
the financial results achieved were most encouraging. The net profit was £1,512,866 against £860,077 for the previous year. The dividend now declared is 8 per cent. against 4......
The Report Of The General Mining And Finance Corporation For
the past year is also a good one, showing that the realized profit of £421,551 was the highest for twenty-five years, and compares with £276,095 for the previous year. The final......
* * * - North British And Mercantile.
The recent increase announced hi the 'dividend on North British and Mercantile Insurance Company's shires from 23s. to 24s. per share is fully justified by the character of the......
London Assurance.
The annual report of the London Assurance for 1933 shows that in the Life Department, the sums assured amounted to £2,306,418. This not only constitutes a record in the history......
Posers To Consider.
Last week I dealt at some length with the pros and eons or the Rubber regulation plan, and in spite of the attacks which have been made upon it, I must confess that the argu-......
Mares And Spencer.
The financial results achieved by Marks and Spencer seem to justify the strength of the shares. Not only is the dividend announced at the rate of 35 per cent. in cash, but a......
Group Units Investment Trust.
In the more recently formed Fixed Investment Trusts there is now a tendency to vary their character in certain points of detail. It will be remembered that in the first Trust......
Central Mining Results.
As might have been expected from the high price of Gold and the favourable conditions on the Rand, the latest report of the Central Mining and Investment Company is an excellent......
Dunlop Rubber.
The latest report of the Dunlop Rubber Company is not only a good one as regards the results disclosed, but there are some specially interesting features. The Directors, in......