The annual report of the London Assurance for 1933 shows that in the Life Department, the sums assured amounted to £2,306,418. This not only constitutes a record in the history of the Corporation, but it follows upon a record in the previous year. There was an increase in the Fund at the end of the year of' £534,000, while the surplus over market value of assets was £430,714. In the Fire Department, the premium income was £2,033,119, and there was a transfer to profit and loss of £147,330, being an increase over the previous year of £120,340. Moreover, the Additional Reserve was increased by £10,000 which with the 40 per cent. Reserve represents 85 per cent. of the Premium Income, and an increase of si per cent. over the previous year. In the Marine Department, the figures, apart from two years in the war period, also constitute a record. The Marine Fund now stands at £840,838, representing 125 per cent. of the Premium Income, being an increase of 21.2 per cent. over the previous year. From the Accident Department there was transferred to Profit and Loss Account £87,675, being £22,465 over the previous year. The Additional Reserve was raised from £151,000 to £160,000, and with the 40 per cent. Underwriting Reserve represents 54.12 per cent. of Premium Income. The dividend is at the same rate as a year ago with a transfer to General Reserve of £15,000.