11 MAY 1934, Page 32


Last week I dealt at some length with the pros and eons or the Rubber regulation plan, and in spite of the attacks which have been made upon it, I must confess that the argu- ments in favour of the plan seem to outweigh the objections. At the same time, as I said last week, everything must depend not only upon the skill, but upon the wisdom with which the plan is carried out, for anything like a rush up of the price of Rubber to an artificially high level is greatly to be deprecated, and.failim Borne very high price in the near future, I think that purchasers of Rubber Shares would do well to remember that as against the higher price for the commodity must be (Continued on page 758.) Financial. Notes

(Continued from page 756.) set the effect of restriction as affecting the general turnover. Meanwhile, prices of Rubber Shares are advancing so rapidly that a setback seems to be desirable in the interests of a sound market. Apart from Rubber Shares, business in the Stock Markets has been quiet during the week, and while British Funds and kindred stocks have kept firm, some other sections have shown dullness.

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