Less not Moore
Sir: Charles Moore suggests that I 'get published now and again by dint of writing to every publication the entire time'. (Another voice, 6 April). This is quite untrue and damaging. I write less than one letter to the press a week. It is true that The Spectator rarely publishes mine. It is true that I sent Mr Moore, in his days as editor, a questionnaire as to why. (Mr Moore does not mention that he filled in the questionnaire). However I do not have these problems with other papers. Nor, by the way, do I write in funny colours, back Sir Oswald Mosley or type in an eccentric way.
A few weeks ago Mr Moore wrote about the value of his house. Then about his thinning hair. Now about what is going on inside his head. I do not think that readers are as interested in Mr Moore as he is.
George Stern
6 Eton Court, Shepherds Hill, London N6