Sir: John Pilger And David Munro Cite My Work In
Jane's Defence Weekly in your issue of 20 April during the course of their rebuttal to Derek Tonkin's article, The apotheosis of pilgerism'. My research on the subject of covert......
Early Federasts
Sir: As a former eurocrat I enjoyed Ian Buruma's article, 'Britain against the Federasts' (13 April) and agree fully with his Portuguese driver that money is mainly the......
Letters Jane Knows Best
Sir: Do we take Derek Tonkin seriously? As he's an unofficial voice of the Foreign Office, I suppose we have to. In his latest letter (4 May) Tonkin still can't get it right......
Uncomfortable Sex
Sir: Vicki Woods' article on the sex- obsessive tabloids was admirable as far as it went, but she did not reach any conclu- sions. The fact of the matter seems to be, and this......