The last accounts from New York reed' to the 16th
instant. The Sub-treasury bill of the Government had been virtually de- feated ; a *110 ion in the House of Representatives to lay it on the
table havingbeen carried by 1.20 to 107. It i • , •liethez any measure has been taken to prevent the_sctual nag? ot
• 33
the treasury by the officers of Government, which the aforesaid bust and engravings of the Queen were exhibited. A range of bill was intended to sanction. The bills authorizing the issue of scaffolding had been erected in the yard of St. Mary's Church, Treasury notes to the amount of ten millions of dellars, (a new where a considerable number of parishioners, with the charity children laatienal debt,) and the postponement of the payment of the Cuss of the parish, and the students of King's College, were stationed. The *outhouse Bonds, had passed. charity children sang " God save the Queen" as the procession passed The President had courteously but firmly declined to negotiate the roof, within the parapet of the church, were crowded with specie. with the Government of. Texas for the incorporation of that tors. The crowd at Temple-bar had been immense, till about noon, country with the Union, until its independence had been acknow- when a strong body of Police and a detachment of Life Guards cleared Iedged by Mexico. It is, however, confidently expected that the the way for the carriages of the guests. The Aldermen, who had been annexation will soon take place. Mr. Cm-novel, of South Carolina, accommodated with a room at Messrs. Childs' banking-house, were