The Accounts From Constantino Represent The Freneh Army...
dreadfully from cholera, dysentery, and typhus tes cf.......
V.r. Ifs Nningsen, Known As The Friend Ond Comrade Of
Zarmalavarre- gne. f mit 1i na, it pasuish Carlist we presume, and Mr. Gruireieon, e ye caairaleot of the altoening /-)oet at the cow t of Don Carlos, have imo the halide of the......
A!: T Ecount Is Given In The Polars This Morning
of the prevention of WO::!titell ntlaCk on the Queen's life. It is stated that Charles Stuber, Gralinia a In formerly kept a baker's shop in Chelsea, failed ,in !mono s. ; and......
Money Iiaiiket.
Then: has been very litt:e business of importance in the City !a: lug t'ae week : yestsrday wal kept as a close holyday, and the three 1:reviee. d • almost tetirely devoted to......
From The Paris Correspondence Of The Daily Journals, We...
the particulars of a strange proceeding, in which the Duke of Hamilton and Lord and Lady Lincoln are concerned. It appears that Lady Lincoln, the Duke of Hamilton's daughter,......
A Most Important Judgment Was Delivered This Morning In The
Court of Chaucery, on the Liverpool Church Endowment question. The Lord Chancellor reversed the demurrer decision of the Master of the Rolls, and declared the appropriation of......
Post. 4 .;cri Pt •
The Gelleral As:se:Ably of the States of Hanover was dissolved. by a royal proclamation, on the :10th of October; on the 81st, letters patent were issued dIssolviez the Cabinet......
East India Shipping.
.I--At Gravesend, Nov. 6th. Rapid. Field. from Van Diem:nes Lan 1; 7 0 .a, \tilter. tutu New South Wales : and 9-h, Kyle. Fletcher, from IleJNal• ofr Ts Henry, Wahnsloy, from......
In A Leading Article, This Morning, The Tiorres Arraigns The
conduct of LOI+1 John Russell, in con:nutting the punishment of William Smith, sentenced to Seven years' transportation at the Nurthanaitooshire Qoarter.sessions in April, to......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. on the 7th inst., in Balgrave Street, the Countess of PONIFRET. of a son. t (he ith inst., at Grove Park. Warvtiok, I. oty Bottum's, of a Soli. • , !,u 3,1 inst., at......