on the 7th inst., in Balgrave Street, the Countess of PONIFRET. of a son. t (he ith inst., at Grove Park. Warvtiok, I. oty Bottum's, of a Soli.
• ,!,u 3,1 inst., at Moor Place, Ilis•rttbrsi,dale, the I :ssly of Sir StiVe0tIR I:LANE, Bart., Of a son.
'uin Ilse 4th inst., in Welheck Street, the Lady of the Rev. E OWAWD HENRI' DAWKINS, of a sea.
t: • Sl.t nit.. at II ightlehls, Roseshire, N.It , the Lady of IL G. CITASILIERS, Esq., Civil Ss•rv ice, of a toll.
Ito 31,4 nit., at Moor 11111. Yuakshire, the I ion. Mrs. A. LASCALLEs, of a sun. 1,4 hat, at Dalwiell, Mrs I IARAXH, iS
• ,:; lu, 3oth Mi., at Brussels, the Lady of DANIAL, TIGHE, Esq., of Rossalla, its the roma v if Wicklow, of a son.
At Bressoington It empty, York. the Lady of the Hey. THOMAs EGERTON, of a son. On the 5th mist., the Lally of the Rev. JAMEs WORTIIINGToN. of Guilford Street, of Unto,
Cu the 7th inst., at St. George's. Hanover Frill:we, JOSEPH Jseera., Esq., to ANNA LetniA, only daughter of the late Sir Charles Walk m Flint. Out the 7th inst., at Euston C hurch, the Hon. and thee. Alan:sacs PHIPPS to the Lady MART F.. Frrznov, eldest daughter of the than of Easton.
On the 7t11 inst., FRANCIS CitawAlAY, Esq., of 'chic Forest, Glamorgan, to Lanaa, daughter of Richard Crawsbay, Esq.,Of II011111gliarli
Ou Cu,:1601(41i:1y, at Fryman°, in the Republic a Mexico, Rerrav Lewis LORCR, Esq ,ii SARAH ELLEN, only daughter Of WillIam C011ard, Lsu1., of that place.
Ou the 31st ult., at St. Niter:so New Church. CH tItl.ts V seas, Esq., of Reading.
to Main, Eniza, eldest daughter of Stratturst Alfred Ey re. , Surgrom of Fltzr..y Street, tiltroy Rua formerly of her Majosty's 1:111i ttuiltuutuit of Light Intio try. On the 4th last, at 14. George's, IllooMsbUry, URA grits A i.t.IsToN, Esc& , or, ittivi-r %eft, eldest sou of Jam Allister', Esq., of Russell Sqtaue, to Sumo( Luna. eldest daughter of Frederick Cowper, Esq, Lathe latter place.
DF.AT if S.
On the 6th intl., in St. ITalou's Place, SAIII:13, Wixesa. Esq.. of Soughs usal Nous°, Isle of Thsuot, in his 67th VAT.
the e 1st inst., at Bed ord, ROBERT CHARLIS 041.113•11, Esq., of Crseley House, Bedfordshire, in his 53th year.