Then: has been very litt:e business of importance in the City !a: lug t'ae week : yestsrday wal kept as a close holyday, and the three 1:reviee. d • almost tetirely devoted to the preparations for the Queen's visit. hilte plenty (If itnmey which is obtainable on good commercial hills at the hav rats of 2::iiul 1 tics' cent., is operating, slowly but surely, to increatte pti...e 4•••
all the Engii-11 Securities. 'The price of Consols is :shout per cent. higher
than the quotation of last week ; the other debeription, of Stock ate al,o portionately higher, New Threseand-a-half per Cents. having been dune to. day at iOli. An increased value has been given to all the European Continental Stocks, by the probability that tl:e French Five per Cents, will he rediu.:(al. This measure, which was a favourite one with the Bourbon Government, and La which they were twice foiled by the opposition of the Itentiers (a large and in- fluential class in France, ) seems likely to be carried in the course of the fel. lowing session of the Chambers, as many Deputies have been returned ii!eriged ta support it.
Danish. Russian, and Dutch Stock, have all undergone differeut degrees of improvement, and ;rimy be cited as in demand at the present quotations. $p mish and Portuguese Bonds are still depressed : the former may, however, he at the price of last week ; but the trensactions in them have been VW few, char the variation in price has only been from 194 to 20. 'the conviction ttiuitli It. now become general, that are approaching laividends on the Portu- guese Stock will, it' satiefied at all, be only liquidated by the issue of 1)elten- tures. is ,,per iting unfavourably upon the price of three Securities; ai.11 though the price is not much lower than last week, the market is heavy anti feeble. 'I hese is some appearance of a resumption of activity in the markets fir Rail- way Shares, consequent upon the imprwenietit which these investments have anderguue in Liverpool anti Manchester, the head-quarter* of this description of
traffic ; but neither the rise in price nor the business transacted has been im-
portant. SATURDAY. TWELVE O'CLOCK. In the English Funds, but most of our quotations of Foreign Stock are nomi- nal. The Spanish and Portuguese Bonds are heavy at current quotations. The South American Securities are at yesterday's prices ; viz. Buenos Ayres Very little has been doing here this morning. A few bargains have occurred 20 to 22; Chili 29 31; Columbian 24-1 3 ; Mexican 27 to ; Peruvian 39i 20i. SATURDAY. Fora O'CLOCE.
An error in the Price Current 'has occasioned some inquiry in the Share ZIarket. It appears that in the course of yesterday a bargain was effected in British Iron Shares, at 34/. ; but in the daily list of prices that quotation was assigned to Brazilian Mining Shares. The Brazilian Shares are nominally 211. ; and on the appearance of the quotation of 34/., many of the gratified holders be. lieved that a rise of 131. per share had taken place. Anxious inquiries were spade at the Stock Exchange in the course of the day as to the cause of the sup. posed improvement, when the error was discovered and rectified. So little has been doing this afternoon, that we cannot quote any variation from the morns jag's prices.
II per Cent. Consols
Pub, for Account
3 per Cent. Reduced
93y Y
93* * 92* *
Brazilian 5 per Cents
Dutch 21 per Cents
82Y 1
72 f
531 4
Neu 3i per Cent. Anns
lot y
Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts.
32i I Bank --,•ack
211y Y
Ditto 3 per Cent. 22* *
In.lia Stock
Russian (1929): per Cant...
IlOy 1
Dith, Howls 53 55pm.
Spanish ;1935) 5 per Cent...
19* * Eisele oper Hills 51 53pm. Deferred stock
61 t 11c1..pou 5 per Cents. —ex do-.
loft y Passive Ditto 4t 1