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The Gelleral As:se:Ably of the States of Hanover was dissolved. by a royal proclamation, on the :10th of October; on the 81st, letters patent were issued dIssolviez the Cabinet Ministry, but retaining the members of the Cabinet in their ollia.s us Departmental Mini s- eers; and On the let of November, other letters pruiret announced to the Hanoverian people that King En sr had tee-oh-ail to set aside the Constitution of I8:3:3. That Constitution, be tells them, never was legally esniblisherl; fur, by flue Constitution of 1819, it was de- creral that rro alteration should be made in the fundament:1 law of the country, except with the consent of the King and the States . and the States did trot conetur with the late King on severai
articles in flue Constitution of 1831. Moreover, he as successor to the crown, and :rho larv:ha collateral right, ulways refused to sanction it. King 1:::Nesr, however, is gracitorely It) allow that until they ;ire legally altered or abolished, the laws passed wider the Codastittition of IN33 shall remain valid. Ile promises to apply himself diligently to the formation of a new Constitution ; arid until his labours are co.opleted, the Constitution of 1819 must be irs force. Ile aives his subjects some hints as to the kind of Conetiortion he means to e-tablish ; the chief of which is, that the States wiii only meet once in three years, instead of annually, and for a session eat exceeding three months. As a sop to the people, he promises it reduction of lethr.k0 dollars a year in the " tax on persons and teades," from the beginniug of 1S38.