11 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 9


.I--At Gravesend, Nov. 6th. Rapid. Field. from Van Diem:nes Lan 1; 70.a, \tilter. tutu New South Wales : and 9-h, Kyle. Fletcher, from IleJNal• ofr Ts Henry, Wahnsloy, from Mauritius. Off Scilly, 6th, John Fleming, Black, !am ea inn. At Liverpool, 4th, John Dagdale, Scott, from China ; and tech, Urn- sad,r, -.--, front Bengal. At St. Baena, Sept. 4th, Lord Lowther, Vintent, front CY° t. At Claim, May 2411t, Sarah liast■ , Evans, from London. At Batavia, 9th, 1St .1. Peresrord, Woollen ; and Odom' ims. Pritchard, from Liverpool. Al Van Dim,L's Land, iii! ii. Dawson. Dawson. from Loudon.

;galled—Flom I;raresensl, Nov. 7th. Euphrates, Beckham, for Bombay. Front L:scrpest, 40, Eleplunsta, lineltanan. for Bengal ; 5t1a, Selma. Lnekie, fur slit to ; and Campo cut, Rhodes, for Bonamy ; huh, Cestriam Kiilook, fur Bombay ; and Glasgow, liar:anon, fur Singapore.