11 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 16
The Life of Si, F.11WATli Cl/kr. u
rd Chief Justice of England in Ilia'Reign di:James the First. With Memoirs of his Contemporaries. By Cuthbert ililliA111
Mot., Or Gray's lain, flarrister-at•Law. lu 2 vols. Crigurs. Ficriors.
The Squire. By Thu Author of "The Ileirev," "The Merelant's DaugliV.er:'&e. Ii. 3 vols. Tit avsr.s, A Home Tour through various Parts of the United Kingdom. Being a Coutlan• alion of the " How Tour through the Manufacturing Di:daces." MAO Memoirs of an Assistant Comniissary-General, By Sir Georp Head, Author of rood
Scenes mind Imidi;itts in the Wilds of North Ameriea..